EotA: Twilight 1.14g Download

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EotA: Twilight 1.14g Download

#1 Post by DarnYak »

My dream of 1.14f14F14 will never be realized.

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Re: EotA: Twilight 1.14g Download

#2 Post by DarnYak »


Storm AI
Maelstrom cyclone's borked
AI still ignoring backdooring



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Re: EotA: Twilight 1.14g Download

#3 Post by Executor »

Snowblast doesn't work if used too quickly after its activation, but I guess I can wait a few milliseconds.

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Re: EotA: Twilight 1.14g Download

#4 Post by DarnYak »

Yea, all the spells using that system have that annoying required delay. Not optimal but its wc3 after all...

My only idea is having some sound play when it starts that indicates its ready.


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Re: EotA: Twilight 1.14g Download

#5 Post by watermelon »

Storm Impressions
  • Doesn't feel like the chilled stun talent works as I haven't been able to pull off a stun from spamming.
  • I haven't fully taken advantage of innate yet but it feels pretty strong. Could work wonders with Tether and make it very hard to simply shrug her off while running.
  • She does have strong damage output combined with Tether and Snowblast. Tether itself doesn't seem too easy to get out for fatties outside of interrupts.
  • Twister feels very strong if you manage to hold an enemy hero long enough for them to get creepblocked.
  • Healing Rain is definitely more worthy though it's not too impressive. It's difficult to make good use of it when she seems designed to move quickly.
  • Ult feels very strong. It seems pretty easy to get an enemy hero stuck in an unescapable place or just spam to kill them/make it hard to escape. At least it's more reasonable against buildings.
  • In general, it feels like most of her spells have low mana costs. I think the ult's mana cost could be increased since it is a map wide spell.
Purge Malice
It feels like a very strong spell to me but I don't really like it either.
The scaling doesn't feel right as Level 1 practically does nothing while Level 6 can shut down an enemy wave very easily while adding more to your army. The mana cost is low and it has a rather large area.
It might be nice to control the illusions but that could be too strong.
I feel like something should be done to enemy heroes but more minor.
I don't understand the name's reason for creating illusions. =P

  • In the beginning of Kedge games, the Blue AI can move too far ahead of their wave and that can result in them suiciding.
  • I have no idea how but Gravel managed to have his ult's effect without channeling it. This continued until he got stunned. This is in the attached replay.
  • I've seen Bane cast Impale now...
  • Oracle acted strange; I didn't see her cast ult and she sometimes just sat in a lane (might be wanting to cast Zen Shot).
  • Rue can be stupid by wanting to cast Mortal Strike on nearby enemy heroes when he should Heal and that can result in him not doing anything.
  • Do something to TC Forks
storm in Kedge.w3g
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Last edited by watermelon on June 16th, 2013, 11:22 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: EotA: Twilight 1.14g Download

#6 Post by DarnYak »

•Healing Rain is definitely more worthy though it's not too impressive. It's difficult to make good use of it when she seems designed to move quickly.
Yea, it's not intended as a combat heal, or at least more then just standing around auto attacking spawns. I think past experiences have shown there's enough of those and they're problematic. It's also not a terrible spawn heal. The strength/duration may need tuning of course. Note I'm not 100% sure the effect range matches the graphic, needs more testing.
It feels like a very strong spell to me but I don't really like it either.
Not sure if you're saying you dislike the concept or dislike the balancing.
I don't understand the name either.
Yea it's a bit weird how I ended up thinking of it and while i'm not 100% happy with it I kinda just went with it. A lot of her spells are basically monk-like (just archer instead of fists), which lead into the whole thought of like calmness being a good CC - or, a similar theme, of channeling anger. Which gave me the idea of expelling the hostile emotions of you're enemy, then manifesting them and turning them against their source. Hence the spell.

It almost got named Tranquility, but that really didn't make much sense.
The scaling doesn't feel right as Level 1 practically does nothing
Well, it's a pure CC. Level 1 is purely there to disable a group of the spawns and provide a distraction / tank for you're real spawns. Maybe 6 is too much but I'm not really seeing level 1 as worthless (unless it's just too short in time duration).
It might be nice to control the illusions but that could be too strong.
Alpha version had that. It got yanked out immediately.
I feel like something should be done to enemy heroes but more minor.
Yea, I didn't want to give her another hero based CC that would be terrible.
•I have no idea how but Gravel managed to have his ult's effect without channeling it. This continued until he got stunned.
Has to be wc3 bug, that spell is 100% built in. In fact I remember rare reports of it long ago - its just a thing that happens randomly out of my control.
•I've seen Bane cast Impale now...
Untouched. This shit really makes no sense.


Edit: In response to your edits.

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Re: EotA: Twilight 1.14g Download

#7 Post by watermelon »

It's also not a terrible spawn heal. The strength/duration may need tuning of course.
It is hard to gauge how strong it is when I didn't really invest in strength, but it's not too bad for spawns I guess. I'm not really hoping for a much stronger heal since the main counter to Storm seems to be her squishiness.
Not sure if you're saying you dislike the concept or dislike the balancing.
Concept is okay; I'm more concerned with the balancing. The stun seems pretty strong especially for that long of a duration. It kind of reminds me of Gluttony's ult in that it can reverse a push with little effort. Is the stun dispellable?
Have you thought about making the stun duration shorter but keeping the illusion duration the same?
Pathing can also get annoying but probably more so for the enemy.

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Re: EotA: Twilight 1.14g Download

#8 Post by watermelon »

Eido's ult kept creating mushrooms where I was even though I wasn't near the tree.
Mark of Reaper doesn't give 500% bonus healing from altar.

Balancing Suggestions
AC: Ult can be pretty annoying to deal with.
Defiler: Cloud seems too good at eating everything away.
Gravel: Innate feels too strong in the beginning in that he can force anyone out with the large armor decrease. I think it would be better if it scaled.
Neph: Wouldn't mind seeing False Alliance get replaced.
Glut: Talent nerf for slice's slow. Ult still feels ridiculous for creating strong sludges quickly; I feel that the sludges can have lowered stats.
Garg is just annoying. Petrify is already strong with Garg alone; having other allies means it can whittle heroes very quickly.
Complaints about the ults for Rue and Dwarf.

Needs More Love Testing

Fenris - feels lacking though innate and ult should be better.
Oracle's Purge Malice
Glacial Tyrant - underused
RK - underused

Murloc still feels absurdly strong to me. She's pretty much an army in herself in that she can create a lot of summons very easily. Murloc Rampage can still overwhelm the opposing side with Rogue Wave and fountain adding more units.

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Re: EotA: Twilight 1.14g Download

#9 Post by Scheba »

I found another bug to squish: Brainlust always gives the healing amount for skill level 1 (10%) regardless of skill level.

What exactly did you do to Miasma? It it intended that it destroys corpses now? It barely creates any bloodflies any more.

I don't really understand the use of Twister: the transformed units die to any small amount of AoE damage. Even enemy caster units can destroy them easily. If an enemy hero with any AoE damage skills is in your lane, using twister just equals eliminating your own spawn wave. To safely use it, you would have to be in a place without enemy heroes or towers, but with both allied and enemy units present. Where is that?
Or maybe I'm just overlooking something.

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Re: EotA: Twilight 1.14g Download

#10 Post by watermelon »

Scheba wrote:I don't really understand the use of Twister: the transformed units die to any small amount of AoE damage.
I would have to agree that instant aoe damage is a bummer to Twister (and any other unit replacement skill) because the original units can receive the damage when they come back. It would be more useful it could be used reliably while sieging, as is, it only provides a minor distraction since the tower's barrage can easily take them down.
As for Twister's use, it seems mostly useful against enemy melee since they can get creepblocked pretty easily. It might be useful just to stall against a siege by trying to distract creeps while letting towers take them down.

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Re: EotA: Twilight 1.14g Download

#11 Post by DarnYak »

I would have to agree that instant aoe damage is a bummer to Twister (and any other unit replacement skill) because the original units can receive the damage when they come back.
That's a bug and shouldn't be happening. I'm guessing it has a similar issue as the multiple twister spawns. I'll have to give them 1s or so of immunity when coming out of the replacer unit.


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