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Posted: June 3rd, 2008, 7:51 am
by Furion
Seriously, has this skill been usefull for anyone lately (or ever, dont care) and with useful i mean compare it to skills like lunge, rend soul, ice lance or, and imo the best comparation, degeneration ?

Its really pretty much the same concept, if the enemy stays close he takes critical damage, if not, well then he is gone and you can continue your business, but while with degeneration one needs to go awawy for almost a screen, with soul strike he just needs to take astep to the side. The other point is the damage, degen deals really critical damage, while soul strike does not.

If so, plz send me a replay.

But to my points:
I think its pretty weak, even after his buff, for several reasons:

1)It deals low to mid damage (seriously its not that high) and distributed over a long time, thus giving the enemy a lot time to react (heal, run, disable you, laugh at you). Even if always all strikes would hit their mark, the damage would still be

2)It has really short range, therefore you need to get close to the enemy to cast it and he doesnt need to get too far to dodge it.

3)The synergy with decoy is laughable, because the banish is extremely short, while the duraion of soulstrike is long, so maybe (and thats if you are really fast and dont get interrupted) you land 3-4 soulstrikes while the target is banished.

4)Not to forget the talent, what makes it, if maxed out, almost as useful as other damage spells.

5)It is channeling, and i cant exaggerate enough how much this weakens a skill, because you just cant do anything if you want the effect. Furthermore it leaves you very vulnerable to disables and similar things (surround eg). Therefore the skill has deals rarely the full amount of damage, lessening the effectiveness even more, you DO often get disabled while using the skill or become forced to end it yourself if you dont want to become surrounded or even killed, here comes 2) into play with the short range, which forces you to go into the middle of the enemy army to cast soul strike, you cant do it from some hidden spot because you just need to be so close.

All this leading to the low utility of this skill. He simply doesnt do as much damage as compareable fire and forget skills, such as ice lance or demo blow.