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TF2 mod that makes it sorta like wc3

Posted: April 6th, 2008, 7:19 am
by Kibiyama
Jiggly's Fun House #3 has a mod called SourceCraft that makes it so you get experience and crystals for kills etc. Levels are persistent, items bought with crystals only last until you die.

At first I thought this was a dumb idea, because you're giving permanent bonuses to players in a game that resets every round. But, while it does unbalance the game, it has the same grindtastic appeal of an MMO.

So. Anyone wanna give it a shot?

Re: TF2 mod that makes it sorta like wc3

Posted: April 6th, 2008, 10:38 am
by jamn455
There are similar mods for every Steam shooter such as Counterstrike/Half-life so its not really much of a surprise that they would come out with one for TF2. Its fun, until you are in a server with tons of high levels that you can't see and have 500 life.