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<FIXED> Promoted Sorceresses

Posted: July 17th, 2007, 7:21 am
by Hammel
Not really a bug, but...

When promoted sorceresses are not controlled by red/blue, but by a color not used or a leaver, they dont use their spells, making them nearly useless. Could you change it that they are always controlled by red/blue? I know there is a unit limit for red/blue, but... cannot you just charm 8-12 random other units to another color so there is place for the promoted units?

(This is kind of important to me because I always aim to get as many sorceresses per cast as possible for their spells)

Re: Promoted Sorceresses

Posted: July 17th, 2007, 8:48 am
by Shadow.M4L
Uh that is new to me, thanks for the info.

Re: Promoted Sorceresses

Posted: July 17th, 2007, 3:55 pm
by AlienFromBeyond
Hammel wrote:Not really a bug, but...

When promoted sorceresses are not controlled by red/blue, but by a color not used or a leaver, they dont use their spells, making them nearly useless. Could you change it that they are always controlled by red/blue? I know there is a unit limit for red/blue, but... cannot you just charm 8-12 random other units to another color so there is place for the promoted units?

(This is kind of important to me because I always aim to get as many sorceresses per cast as possible for their spells)
You realize that you can then use the spells yourself if you get control of them yes? Getting control of a triple Abberation'd unit can be pretty killer.

Re: Promoted Sorceresses

Posted: July 17th, 2007, 7:22 pm
by Hammel

[quote="Hammel]are not controlled by red/blue, but by a color not used or a leaver[/quote]

How can you gain control of them, huh? -.- Of course, when it is a 5v5, chances are 20% for each unit not controlled by red/blue that you get it... another unit to micro, and it cant be much more effective than red/blue controlling them, because of Order Attack (they attack what you want and they go where you want)... Also, they are affected by the normal unit waypoints, whether they are yours or not, so they would go on alone after some time anyways when you are not VERY careful.

And now excuse me, it is 3:23 in the morning...

Re: Promoted Sorceresses

Posted: July 17th, 2007, 7:51 pm
by Strychnyne
alienfrombeyond wrote:Getting control of a triple Abberation'd unit can be pretty killer.
You know, you can Aberrate Wretched Skeletons? 780gp for six archers that each do over 200 damage? Crazy fun.

I, too, aim for as many Magicians as I can. I'd like it to stay AI controlled. You COULD micro manage their spells, but since you can't use it to the same effect everytime, I'd like it to stay AI controlled. Having control really isn't the idea behind rhe spell, is it? Especially with Flank being as it is now.