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Fierach Flamewhiskey- Mystical Pandaren Drinkwarrior

Posted: July 5th, 2007, 8:19 pm
by Fierach
Equal Stat Distribution
Better strength growth. Even Int and Agil growth.
Model: Pandaren Brewmaster
Name: Fierach Flamewhiskey
Class: Mystical Pandaren Drinkwarrior
Elf/Tavern Hero?

I'll leave mana costs and cooldowns and actual percentages and numbers up in the air for future consideration sometimes.

Innate- Baby Panda Run
Makes a baby Panda run in a straight line to a targeted point from the hero (up to 700 distance away). Magic Immune. The sight of such a creature makes all enemy creeps and heros within a 300 AoE attack it with hatred. The baby panda starts out with 600 hp and 15 armor.

Earthen Ale- 300 Range.
Used on a targeted enemy hero
[Increasing with level] Decreases movespeed
[Increasing with level] Decreases attack speed
Chance to have a illusioned Earth Panda come out of nowhere every X seconds for 15 seconds to smack the targeted enemy hero and deal damage based on the Drinkwarrior's strength ([Increasing percentage with level]]) and stun as well as an slight 10 percent additional AoE ms slow.
Used on a targeted allied hero/self
[Increasing with level] Increases base strength
[Increasing with level] Increases armor based on strength
Gives a chance a chance to
20 second cooldown. 30 second lasting length on allied/self heros. 7 second lasting length on enemy heros.

Fiery Vodka- 300 Range.
Used on a targeted enemy hero
Forces the enemy hero to erupt with fire every x seconds. Everytime the enemy hero erupts, he takes X damage, and he and his surrounding allied creeps/heros catch fire. Fire does DPS, increases over the levels.
Used on a targeted allied hero/self
[Increasing with level] Increases base agility.
Ignites the targeted ally hero/self into a fiery fervor. Attack speed is slightly increased by a set amount for all levels, and a chance is given for additional damage to be done for every attack based on the attacker's agility. The target is also debuffed, taking a small set additional damage per buff removed.
20 second cooldown. 30 second lasting length on allied/self heros. 7 second lasting length on enemy heros.

Frosty Wine- 300 Range.
Used on a targeted enemy hero
[Increasing with level] Mana regeneration rate is reduced.
[Increasing with level] Spells take more mana to cast. Small, but increasing with level, chance to freeze the enemy over for 3 seconds.
Used on a targeted allied hero/self
[Increasing with level] Increases base intelligence
Gives a temporary bonus to evocation spells and hero damage both based on Int, but seperate percentages.
20 second cooldown. 30 second lasting length on allied/self heros. 7 second lasting length on enemy heros.

Pandaren Drinkmastery
Requires a consumable
Transmutes the consumable into one, of many useful items at random
Upgraded Potion of Heath- Heals 700 Hp
Upgraded Potion of Mana- Heals 500 Mana
Drink of Windwalk- Goes invisible for 20 seconds. Increasing damage on breaking windwalk.
Drink of Drunken Dancing- Grants increasing critical strike/evasion
Drink of Attribute Plus- Grants increasing bonuses to unit's attribute for a short while.
Drink of Armored Skin- Grants increasing armor bonuses as well as debuffing the consumer of negative buffs.
Drink of Refreshing Vigor- Grants increasing attack speed and movespeed and heals slightly
Drink of Burning Ale- Drinking this forces the user to cast a breathe of fire in the direction he was facing. The breathe of fire slightly damages, increases in damage with level.
Drink of Apocalypse- Has a chance to fully heal the user in HP and mana. Kill the user dealing damage in an aoe around him, Stun the user for 4 seconds, or grant large bonuses to all attributes for a short while, or split the user up into 5 illusions, one being real. Illusions take 2x damage and deal 30 percent.
40 second cooldown

Ultimate-The Great Pandamodium
400 Range. 300/400/600/700 Targetable AoE
Fierach tosses a bottle of his infamous cultured Pandaman-Pandahands rum at a target spot.
For 15 seconds, all hell breaks loose in the targeted AoE. Every second there is a chance that a different illusioned Panda will appear.
A Earth Panda rolls through the mob at a randomed spot. In a small AoE around him, enemy units have a chance to get confused and run back, as well as get reduced attack damage.
A Storm Panda has a 50/50 percent chance to appear breaks windwalk, and cyclones a target at random for 7 seconds, 4 on heros, or to cast a weak chain lightning.
A Fire Panda will appear and bloodlust himself ina random spot (then disappear). In a small AoE around him, the sight of him doing such a thing heartens allied troops and they conversely gain a attack speed increase, while enemy troops will suffer a minor (.5) stun
70 second cooldown. 15 second lasting length.

Additional Notes: Drinkmastery obviously needs work. I was originally thinking of a system where the more costly the consumable, the more likely to get a potion with unique effects. Or maybe a combinationsystem of consumeables, but meh, I don't know if thats possible. The rest of the skills are up for grabs for balancing issues/effects issues.

Originally I intended this for a (joke) tavern/neutral hero. but I added drinkmastery for the hell of it >_>. I still like Baby Panda Run. So. Nyah.

Posted: July 5th, 2007, 8:34 pm
by Emufarmers
The innate is cute, but aren't innate skills not supposed to become more potent with level?

Posted: July 5th, 2007, 8:56 pm
by Fierach
oH. Right. <<

Posted: July 5th, 2007, 9:42 pm
by Tehw00tz
All pandas are already in use.

Posted: July 5th, 2007, 10:01 pm
by Emufarmers
Too versatile. Having abilities that can all be targeted against either a friend or foe is fun, but such versatility needs to be balanced, and it needs to suit the character.

The Drinkmastery is interesting, but potentially problematic if the value of the consumable doesn't matter. What if it were limited to certain consumables ("potiony" ones) and it produced a different brew for each ingredient? Or, what if its effects were partially dependent on the gold cost of the consumable?

P. S. You forgot (I assume) to remove the rest of the leveling aspect for the innate ability.

Posted: July 6th, 2007, 3:15 am
by Fierach
Damn it. I knew I forgot something.

And yeah, I suppose. I'm going to change the ult, right now it is too far removed from what I originally wanted.

Posted: July 6th, 2007, 2:45 pm
by Fierach
Updated. Any other comments? >>

Posted: July 7th, 2007, 8:10 pm
by BoBoTheBum
Again, all pandas are in use. Seems interesting, but I'm worried that it's too complex.