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<FIXED> Hero kill, but no crystal

Posted: June 14th, 2007, 11:34 pm
Happens at 14:23 in the demo for sure. (didn't look through the whole game)

Situation is siege lord chasing down 100 health dw, gets kill with mortal strike. Note dw was out of line of sight (coincidentally). I got +400 gold popup, but not damage number.

Posted: June 15th, 2007, 12:34 am
More siege lord investigation:

seems to be a problem with many kills from mortal strike, happened in other chances. Mind you this is via targeted casting of mortal strike on someone.

I found mortal strike has an autocast function, but when autocast, I didn't see damage numbers pop up, I don't think the damage was done, and just the debuff was applied, and cd seemed much shorter. So if the autocast is intentional, the mechanics of it are at least mysterious.

edit: moved a bunch of misc balance complaints about him to a balance thread

Posted: June 15th, 2007, 12:47 am
oh, and order attack doesn't seem to work for him (his Q ability)

Posted: June 15th, 2007, 1:39 am
by Tehw00tz
It's "Sorrow Leige" not "seige lord"

Posted: June 15th, 2007, 7:13 am
by Hammel
Order Attack has always been a bit random, also for Tact... in 1.10 I always used flank when I really needed stuff to attack a building... in terms of sending units to other places (obs off the lanes), it seems to work well though (as long as they dont chase enemies and get into another waypoint where they are forwarded to the next base).

Posted: June 16th, 2007, 2:22 am
by DarnYak
Watching the replay, you did properly get crystal from the kill at that time. However, it was only 3 becuase itw as an AI kill. And it was slightly delayed but that's normal.

As for the auto cast, it doesn't trigger the proper triggers (thanks blizz) so it ends up doing the debuff but no damage. Wish it weren't this way, but for now all I can do is try to forcibly disable it.

And yes, I realize there are way to detect it, but their all backwards ways that would bloat EotA even more then I feel is worthwhile.
