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EotA: Twilight 1.14f14C Download

Posted: May 12th, 2013, 1:59 pm
by DarnYak
Fixes and tweaks and whatnot.


Re: EotA: Twilight 1.14f14C Download

Posted: May 12th, 2013, 6:51 pm
by DarnYak
So far, the new i mode insane AI is undefeated. If you happen to win a game please let me know and preferably post a replay. Without abusing a bug cause that's cheating.


PS. If the AI looses that's a bug.

Re: EotA: Twilight 1.14f14C Download

Posted: May 12th, 2013, 10:34 pm
by watermelon
Capital letter versions now? (emphasis for Computer? =P)

The graphic for altar healing is nice though if the texttag is displaying correctly, then Mark of Reaper isn't correctly applying its 500% bonus to the healing (doesn't look like it either for the actual heal). Does healing damage reduction on Lich also affect how much nearby units get healed by too? (The texttag did show the heal reduced when hit by Mortal Strike).
Altar got broken in that units killed near the altar don't always trigger now, probably due to how the fix for stacking altars is coded. Doesn't always happen, but mostly seems to occur when two altars are active and one of them somehow gets forgotten.
In more weird news, the lightning effect sometimes shows altar trying to heal dead units.

Somewhat annoying that ice shield can sometimes block 100% damage from a hero's nuke.

The AI acted a bit strangely in the Kedge game I played. Rue charged straight into right base's towers rather than following his creeps, but he didn't suicide completely. He shouldn't be trying to cast Mortal Strike if he should be running away.

Re: EotA: Twilight 1.14f14C Download

Posted: May 13th, 2013, 3:14 am
by Executor
I don't think I'm doing this right, and I can't find any detail on HCL. How do you enable the HCL modes? What does HCL stand for?

Okay, I'm starting to figure out how to use the hcl modes and downloaded GHost.

Re: EotA: Twilight 1.14f14C Download

Posted: May 13th, 2013, 12:56 pm
by DarnYak
Yea, I'm probably going to add an in game command to simulate the HCL stuff (at least, the ones possible, ie no map selection or draft mode cause those require setup before the point in time you can enter commands), although for i mode specifically its meant for an actual team of players vs comps not human + comps vs more comps.


Re: EotA: Twilight 1.14f14C Download

Posted: May 14th, 2013, 5:04 pm
by Executor
I've played a few games so far with hcl i mode, and I can definitely see it possible to win without cheating. I am able to kill enemy heroes early in the game, and if 4 others are doing just as good as me, then the AI will fall behind so long as you keep killing them while rushing for victory. The main reason why I lose is because my allied normal computers end up dying too much, which makes it seem impossible to win in those circumstances. 5 human vs 5 insane is more likely to succeed.

Re: EotA: Twilight 1.14f14C Download

Posted: May 14th, 2013, 8:56 pm
by DarnYak
Sounds like a bug!


Re: EotA: Twilight 1.14f14C Download

Posted: May 14th, 2013, 10:49 pm
by watermelon
The AI managed to buy an Acolyte from a base that got taken over even though their race was Fel Horde.

Re: EotA: Twilight 1.14f14C Download

Posted: May 14th, 2013, 11:21 pm
by DarnYak
Let me get this straight.

Orc vs Undead?
Undead takes over a base.
Orc then buys an alcolyte worker from that base?
Does it do anything with it?
Was neph involved somehow?

This doesn't sound very possible. Then again, it is wc3...


Re: EotA: Twilight 1.14f14C Download

Posted: May 15th, 2013, 8:32 am
by watermelon
Yes, Fel Horde vs UD. I was on the UD team but I wasn't Neph.
The Acolyte wasn't immediately bought, but it look like it spawned with the creep wave from that base.

Re: EotA: Twilight 1.14f14C Download

Posted: May 15th, 2013, 6:44 pm
by DarnYak
Altar got broken in that units killed near the altar don't always trigger now, probably due to how the fix for stacking altars is coded. Doesn't always happen, but mostly seems to occur when two altars are active and one of them somehow gets forgotten.
Just to confirm a bug I introduced: Two altars near each other will cause one of them to be presumed dead. My bad.
Somewhat annoying that ice shield can sometimes block 100% damage from a hero's nuke.
This doesn't seem possible unless something else is involved in absorbing the rest.
This could be from spells where the damage isn't directly from a hero. Should figure out which ones do this and fix, cause it's probably not the only thing out there that has slightly different reactions if its hero damage.


Re: EotA: Twilight 1.14f14C Download

Posted: May 18th, 2013, 12:36 am
by DarnYak
FYI: I'll probably do some testing games tomorrow (well, today - Saturday). Made some tweaks that might result in desyncs so better to get those out of the way prior to Sunday.

Also, I think I caught one of the AI's hanging around 0,0 in one of the test games, but I've only seen it that once. Further confirmation or additional information would be helpful.
