Divine Wizard AI

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Divine Wizard AI

#1 Post by Crazyedd »

Just played a game with the AI andn oticed that DW was dying alot.
After watching him, it turns out he is very careless about his remaining hp (maybe some kind of script to do with maximising his ulti?) and dies very very often.

I'm not really sure why he in particular was dying so much, but it may be worth playing a game with him and observing his behaviour. He seemed to just walk into creep spawns and try cast his spells regardless of his hp or how many of his own creeps were with him.

I guess it's not a big issue because AI isn't exactly high priority, but if someone has DW and leaves, he could just end up feeding the enemy team (which he did).

As an example, when mot of my team were around level 22-25, he was still level 17

Yak's Secretary
Yak's Secretary
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Re: Divine Wizard AI

#2 Post by watermelon »

Most caster heroes in general have this problem.
Seriously, you will not like having a team of squishy AI Int heroes as your allies while your opponents are all the fat heroes.

Anyway, DW rarely casts his ult properly due to the base ability as he will often spam it any nearby enemy hero.
Some other annoying base abilities that cause problems for AI are Scarab's Life Wave (woo heal enemies!!!) and AC's heal (woo heal at ~100%!!!).
RK is also sad for not ever firing his ult properly anymore.

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Re: Divine Wizard AI

#3 Post by Executor »

The Divine Wizard AI seems to cast his ultimate whenever possible despite having full health. I noticed a few bugs (EotA_Twilight_1_14f14C.w3x) for Divine Wizard's Displacement Field. Sometimes, the glyph-like graphic doesn't disappear but also doesn't displace anymore. During one game, my hero and some allied units were removed from the game and the glyph didn't disappear. My hero could not respawn...

Attached is a replay where displacement removed my hero from the game. It happens near the end of the replay.
EotA Bugged.w3g
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