Fort Yak

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Re: Fort Yak

#51 Post by DarnYak »

Had to abandon previous fort due to new DF version that is incompatible + a save corruption bug in the previous version. Might be for the best, the fort was a little too stable.

I saw a terrifying region named "The Hungry Plains". Not the exact area i was hoping for but the name is too cool to pass up.

Similar dwarf setup to before. Moved LordYak off military duty because he would sit around doing weapon drills instead of trading at the depot, and 4 starting military dwarves should be sufficient. I also switched Hammerdwarf for Macedwarf as I found they're superior weapons.
- Siege: Teacher/Axedwarf
- Mills: Student/Macedwarf
- Warskull: Teacher/Shield User
- LordYak: Armorsmith/Trader
- Watermelon: Farmer/Weaponsmith
- Dekar: Concentration/Striker
- Googlypoo: Mechanic/Mason
Third time.jpg
Hey this place doesn't look so bad. Some giant insects nearby but no zombies, the grass is alive, no creepy eyeball+tentacle grass (which I was kind of hoping for).

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Re: Fort Yak

#52 Post by DarnYak »

Rain.jpg (3.93 KiB) Viewed 16056 times
Eww.jpg (38.03 KiB) Viewed 16053 times
Meh, 2 layer aquifer, and after I killed a donkey it didn't return to life. This land was dissapointing. Abandoning fort for somewhere more interesting + less annoying.

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Re: Fort Yak

#53 Post by DarnYak »

New embark in the Hills of Terrifying. No aquifer here. Similar dwarf setup, but trying something different with items. Dropping all the weapons/shields/picks/axes, and just bringing raw materials instead, including a bunch of wood. One dwarf will setup an anvil while the rest use the wood to wall off the starting area. A pick will be made immediately with a prepared copper bar + coal, but the rest will have to be smelted together. This will free up so many resources that the military will be fully armed and probably armored (at the very least with shields) with bronze (well, i'm not sure how far 30 bronze bars will actually go, but we'll find out).
I looked for one of the most evil sounding places, and I get this. Some river otters and crow men (living) wandering around. Embark is almost completely flat.

Oh god there's dwarf blood rain here too.

Off to a good start. Ground is completley covered in dwarf blood from the rain. A few giant wild boars are wandering on the other side of the river. Almost have a wall built around the wagon so I can unload the massive amount of raw materials that i brought. A very calm started compared to what I've been going through. Hell, with all this blood, you'd think I'd be able to safely throw vampire parties.
Crowmen.jpg (8.66 KiB) Viewed 16047 times
Being harrassed by a flock of crowmen. They don't seem to be attacking, just flying around near my messing up my ability to work. Now there's a Giant Hampster outside my walls. No sign of the undead.

The first cavern is about 20 z levels tall. And it doesn't start till 20 under the ground.
Migrants.jpg (38.32 KiB) Viewed 16040 times
Yes, that is all dwarf blood. There's also now a flock of Giant Peach-Faced Lovebirds swimming around in the dwarf blood.

I'm abandoning this fort, magma sea is 100 layers down, all the caverns are 20 z levels tall, no zombies, no fun overall. And that many zlevels causes a lot of lag.

New fort will wait till tomorrow, I do have to get a new verson of eota out afterall.

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Re: Fort Yak

#54 Post by DarnYak »

While searching for a new embark with the auto generated team of dwarves, I found a fairly nice site. The team included a fisherdwarf, who was succesfully fishing in peace and creating a nice pile of clams. Problem: apparently the clams become zombies too, so now my dwarves are being chased around by a giant swarm of zombie clams. This game is awesome.

There's also a few zombies trying to kill a Giant Sponge sitting in the river. Forum reprots indicate that the things are basically invincible.

Actual embark coming tomorrow, this spot is good although i havne't seen any rain or clouds so far (the clouds never actualy had any real effectin previous games so i don't care too much, rain would be nice but i hear its either completley benign or completley fort ending).

Update: A dwarf ended up falling asleep out int he open. Another dwarf fleeing the swarm of zombie clams run past him. The clams switch to the sleeping dwarf and start beating on him, doing nothing at all. He doesn't even wake up. Eventualy a zombie cat shows up and starts scratching him though.

Right when the dwarves were looking doomed, migrants arrive! And are greeted by the swarm of zombie clams.

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Re: Fort Yak

#55 Post by DarnYak »

Alright, welcome to the new fort given the random name "Chambertwilight". It's in a terrifying...badlands I believe. It's scorching hot, plantlife is scarce, but it does have living tentacle grass and eyeball stocks. Awesome.
Starting lineup similar to the previous embarks. LordYak is back in the military and shoved trading duties off to Googlypoo.

Watermelon made an exceptional copper pick to get us started. Kudos.

A bunch of wren-men zombies are alive and terrorizing the map, but they've settled on attacking a giant sponge. I wonder how long they'll be at it.

The giant sponge is soaking all the zombie threat at the moment. It is, however, unconcious and exhausted. If that thing comes back as a zombie it will be truely terrifying.
New Hovel.jpg
New Hovel.jpg (32.86 KiB) Viewed 16020 times
Everything except the wood is underground now, and smelting+blacksmithing operations are underway. I gotta admit, if this place were even slightly more dangerous (like no giant sponge guardian), this start probaly would have failed unless I used the wood to build a perimeter wall first - and even that may have failed since wren can fly. Obviosly sealing up the entrance is still top priority.

There's actualy a second giant sponge that either attacked or was attacked by a louse woman (not zombie). The louse woman was killed almost instantly according to the combat report. Wonder why the other one's ot fighting back.

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Re: Fort Yak

#56 Post by DarnYak »

Summer has arrived. It started raining...normal rain, nothing scary (yet, at least). It's been peaceful outside (except near the sponge), so i'm taking the opportunity to try to grab some above ground stuff before I end up in fort lockdown mode. Chopping down trees, doing some above ground plant gathering, even made Dekar into a temporary beekeper since I've yet to play with that industry.

A random lungfish somehow got deep into my fort, NOWHERE near water. Odd. Good news: it's not a zombie (yet).

Migrant time! Nine dwarves, 5 of which are fisherdwarves. Yea, none of you are fishing, I don't need a clam army this early on.

Something funky is going on here. One of the dwarves has above average skills, is abnormally old, and isn't showing up properly in Dwarf Therapist (tool to help manage dwarf skills). I can name him, so that suggests he's not a vampire, but he's also covered in yellow wounds. He's also married to a dwarf that came with him - usualy vampires travel solo under fake names. His wife's almost as old, so maybe his age isn't off... He's also not listed as a worshipper of a god he clearly worships. This guy must be under an alias, so either vampire or possibly werebeast. Not something I wanted to deal with this early on, the question is do I send him to fight the giant sponge as a sacrifice.

New Dwarves:
- Emu: Farmer
- Sparda: Miner/brewing
- Shortling: Miner
- Seasons: Cook
- Pheonick: Thresher/Beekeeper
- Nick.Scryer: Mining
- Roflfax: Leatherworker/Stonecrafting
- Rokhan: Mason

LordYak, Dekar, and Warskull are reassigned to military training.

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Re: Fort Yak

#57 Post by DarnYak »

I've locked the mystery dwarf away in a seperate room. So far he's had to drink and shows signs of hunger, so definitely not a vampire. He's also gone through a full moon phase, so werebeast of some kind seems unlikely - but I'm leaving him stuck in there for a bit longer, just in case.

And just an update: the giant sponge is still under constant zombie attack. If this thing dies I need to make a memorial to it or something.


Kobold died outside the fort, but came back in. Work on zombie smasher in progress, hopefully this zombie doesn't cause to much trouble. I think its former properties as a kobold allow it to ignore doors.

I've decided to let the mystery dwarf out after this long, before he dies of hunger. If he does go weredwarf he might really fuck this fort up, bt its been two full moon cycles so seems he's not. Unlessi ts only a chance each cycle. Naming him Mian and he'll be THE beekeeper (only one at a time or they bug out, so all others have been revoked).

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Re: Fort Yak

#58 Post by DarnYak »

Fall arrived. The stupid kobold's arm keeps coming back to life and wandering into the fort. Not the kind of behavior I've seen from previous zombies, where they woudl only attack if they see a dwarf.

A corpse smasher has been built in a future fishing area, so the zombie kobold has finally been disposed of.

Fall migrant time! Ok, vampires are making me really suspecious. A great carpenter arrived with a bunch of high social skills. However, this dwarf has no relationships with anyone listed. Renaming the dwarf works though, so that suggests not a vampire. New dwarves includes 2 more fisherdwarves. Come on, really?

New dwarves:
Jamn: Fisheryworker, but drafted (and has a history of 5 elf kills)
Wootz: Fisheryworker, drafted
Lunargent: Milling/Breweing
Kibi: Farmer/Thresher
Elreth: Great Carpenter + new broker
Coramoor: Drafted
Disco: Drafted
+1 unnamed child

Caravan arrived, along with more kobolds. The first kobold got splattered instantly. The second stabbed Disco in the arm and Mills in the toe.

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Re: Fort Yak

#59 Post by Mills »

This game sounds enjoyable to play, but I just can't bring myself to learn what the fuck is going on.

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Re: Fort Yak

#60 Post by DarnYak »

Winter time.
This is the first cavern layer almost directly below my embark. You can't see it all but the south end of it is fairly walled off, so taking over this whole area shouldn't be too difficult, and is one of my medium term goals.

Food & Beer supplies are good. I just need a few more random craftsdwarves to cover random crap and this fort will be fairly well setup once I get defenses working.

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Re: Fort Yak

#61 Post by DarnYak »

Uneventful winter, spring has arrived.

Nick.Scryer gave birth to a boy! Father is Pheonick.

Rokhan has also given birth to a boy! Mian is the father.

Spring migrants! LordYak immeditaely runs out to greet them with the "recover wounded" task. He ends up picking up this dwarf that is uninjured but so obvoiusly a vampire. Sadly, he's got near maxed out doctor skills, so he could have been useful. I'm considering keeping him around and locking him up in some sort of control room where vital fort levers are set up, because vampires don't need to sleep and he wouldn't have an other job to delay the lever pulling. Hell, since vampires obey burrow restrictions he could get locked up in some menial crafting job location as long as dwarves dont fall asleep near him. Locking him in a hospital would obviously be suicide though.

Thirty fucking migrants. I'm not naming all these bastards. Vampire is by far the most useful of them too. Named ones:
- Luftwaffles: Swordsdwarf, with 74 prior kills of various animals and animal people
- Pool: Manager/Fisher
- Casval: Bookkeeper

A fight broke out in the grazing area. Between the horses. One horse lost an eye, the other had its spine broken. I dont know why they go tmad, they have tons of space and food. A Llama had its leg broken too.

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Re: Fort Yak

#62 Post by DarnYak »

Summer time.

A pack of zombie monkeys ran through the map. For a moment I was concerned they were headed straight into my fort, but apparently not.

Armorer taken by mood! Took 1 silver bar and started working. Awesome, Legendary Armorsmith incoming.

The vampire's been holed up in a room without getting hungry/thirst/angry/whatever. Going to keep him around for lever pulling since its so safe. Plus I hear smashing them can lead to vampire ghosts that keep sucking blood but you can't get rid of them.

Legendary Armorsmith it is! He made a Silver Left Gauntlent. With a boring description. Worth 20k dwarf bucks though. Naming this dwarf Strych.

Summer migrants, 10 random dwarves of no particular note.

Elf traders are being chased around the map by the zombie monkeys. Need to finish my alternate entrance soon.

I bought an Eagle from the elves. It's pretty useless, so I threw it into the caverns to explore/hopefully find spiders.

Emu has given birth to a girl! Roflfax is the father. Sparda has given birth to a girl! Seasons is the father.

A troll attacked some dwarves trying to wall off the caverns. It was killed. While trying to dispose of the corpse, the troll returned as a zombie and killed Rokhan. Emu then gave the troll zombie a light punch and it died. Way to be a pussy Rokhan. You even had an axe to use. Now your baby is wandering the fort without a mother.

Some elk birds now flew to the top of the fortress from the caverns. They dont seem aggressive, but are disrupting operations to seal the cavern.

Human caravan arrived. They love dwarven food.

The elk birds were killed and succesffully butchered (after coming back to life once). Now an elk bird FEATHER is attacking dwarves.

Miner gets a mood. Grabs a peice of gold ore and 2 leather and starts working. And he made a native gold coffer worth 74k. Awesome. Unfortunately, he got Legendary Miner instead of a more useful profession, but at least its something. As he was unnamed before, he's now upgraded to Hammel.

Rokhan's baby is wandering the fort, being given food and water by random dwarves. Mian is a terrible father.

So far as i can tell, I've succesffuly sealed off the first cavern layer. This means i can abandon my crappy & temporary fort up top and move to the first cavern layer.

One of the new recruits has been unhappy and is throwing a tantrum, trying to punch a bunch of the other soldiers. So far there's only been minor injuries, but given what happened in the first fort i'm a bit worried. She's now calmed down a bit after beating the shit out of Disco (nothing dangerous though).

Some zombie monkeys attacked a different sponge. The sponge killed them. I can only assume the other sponge isn't killing these zombie wren because their flying out of reach while attacking. Oh, its still alive after being attacked for a year and a half straight.

Wow, the dwarven baby died of thirst. Mian you're the worst parent, and these other dwarves sickeningly just sat around and let it happen (althogh i swear the were bringing it water...of course, dwarven babies need booze).

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Re: Fort Yak

#63 Post by DarnYak »

This is the working part of the current fort. It's tiny, was never really meant to be a long term base. Working on relocating soon. The smoothed southern room is where the vampire's locked up. Originally I stuck him in a crappy cell to contain him before he was executed, but since he'll be fullfilling an important job of pulling the front door levers, I decided to set him up so he hopefully won't be too unhappy. It was that or death - I think he got a good deal. To the far right is the new entrance, which is just getting opened now.

A random dwarf got possessed and made a brass ring worth 40k dwarf bucks.

Nick.Scryer had another child. So did a few other random dwarves.

After opening up the main road I decided to pave it since it was calm. Of course that's when the stpid monkey zombies showed up and harrassed construction. Military was more than capable of handling them thankfully. Before going back in, Dekar dropped all his equipment outside. Way to go.

Awesome, the monkeys came back to life, grabbed his shit, and tried to run off with it. Just in time for Dekar to decide to pick it up, and decide to fight them naked. Amazingly, he survived, but then he left his shit on the ground again. This repeated 2-3 times till he finally grabbed everything but his shield, which a zombie monkey promptly stole and ran off the map with.

A random unnamed dwarf was so upset at having to go protect the road construction that he went berserk. He was surrounded by the entire military so he died almost instantly.

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Re: Fort Yak

#64 Post by Dekar »

Dekar needs no items to fight some undeads.

Dekar: the ultimate ocean themed hero should buff and depend on spawn waves!
DarnYak: why is that
Dekar: WAVES
Dekar: :D
DarnYak: i was afraid that was the answer

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Re: Fort Yak

#65 Post by DarnYak »

Spring brings 36 fucking migrants (total dwarves = 109). One more vampire (at least) to pull levers and keep the other vampire company. Both vamps are female, so they get to spend all their time having hot lesbian vampire sex since there's nothing better for them to do.

I unlocked the vampire's door to let the other one in. Now the dwarves are all flocking to eat at the vampire's table. Way to taunt the vampire guys.

Goblin theives arrived with the elven caravan. They ended up cutting off Coramoor's foot. Jamn's leg was also broken.
The caverns are sealed off so this shouldn't be a threat. He could be pretty dangerous if engaged however.

I've setup some peacocks at the entrance with windows to keep an eye out for ambushes/theives. It should work in theory, but I may need to make changes.

Getting a hospital setup is the next priority, due to all the injuries. Jamn is bedridden due to a broken bone, but Coramoor is using a crutch and resumed military training. Will probably have to retire him since he can't weild a weapon - which is realy sad because he had the best combat stats of all the dwarves by far (extremely agile/tough/strong, no weaknesses).

Summer migrants spawned next to some zombie monkeys. One unskilled dwarf was drafted and insta killed one unarmed. Awesome. This migrant wave had another vamp (into the room with you), and two dwarves with amazing skills but no indication anythings wrong with them. One's a cook (always welcome), the other is a Great Woodcutter/Carpenter/Bowyer. Awesome, naming them:
Salt - Cook
Diana - Carpenter/Bowyer

Goddamnit, Fucking stupid burrow bullshit. I try to shove the kids into a safe area. They want to go put seeds somewhre else so ENDLESSLY SPAM can't complete messages. ok whatever, I don't give a fuck. Except, it turnsout, that spam blocked out the fact that a zombie outbreak occurred in one of the meeting halls and now a bunch of fucking dwarves are dead for no good reason (Seasons, Jamn among them). I think a dwarf went berserk or something but i cant fucking tell due to bullshit child spam. Jamn & Seasons were asleep/bedridden I think due to the previous goblin attack, and were probably instakilled in their sleep. Sparda put an end to the zombie's rampage, getting revenge for her husband's (Seasons) death.

LordYak threw a tantrum (appropritely) and beat the shit out of Mills. Not fatal thank god.

Diana got possessed, grabbed a carpenter shop and a peice of gold ore, wood, and a gem. A char worth 64k, awesome.

Hey another one, that was quick.
Memorial slap allowed me to discover the dwarf somehow died of thirst, then the zombie rose and killed Seasons & Jamn as they were sleeping next to the corpse. This is rather frustrting since my fort has like 20 idle dwarves at any given moment, there's access to water, and there's ample buckets laying around.

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Re: Fort Yak

#66 Post by DarnYak »

Fall arrived. Hospital has been completed and various dwarves have been treated for various minor injuries they've had for quite a while. Fall migrants also shockingly brought along two expert doctors (who aren't vampires).

Some random drafted dwarf (Emu's mom, actually) has been tantruming non-stop and finally destroyed the trade depot, which I didn't notice till the merchants had arrived and started bitching about it. I don't know over what, she has the same shit going on as every other dwarf.

I've given up on the child safety room. They end up seeing a seed and going berserk over trying to put it away when they can't reach the place they're suppose to put it. If they want to go get kidnapped go ahead I dont care anymore.

I'm up to 5 vampires, all locked in one room. Decided to recruit 4 of them into thier own military group, I'll transfer them to be the primary guards once I get them some weapons/armor, since if they get killed by some ambush I don't actually care.

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Re: Fort Yak

#67 Post by Dekar »

Just throw the children into the atom smasher!

Dekar: the ultimate ocean themed hero should buff and depend on spawn waves!
DarnYak: why is that
Dekar: WAVES
Dekar: :D
DarnYak: i was afraid that was the answer

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Re: Fort Yak

#68 Post by DarnYak »

Winter has come, and Lord Yak is now Baron Yak. I am so taking that artifact chair.

AWESOME. Mason got a mood, I was just thinking how badly i need a legendary mason to make crap for Baron Yak's room. Got everything he wanted with a rock, tin ore x2, leather, a gem, and some wood. He made a artifact quern worth 33k. Not the greatest item ever, I'll build it in one of the meeting halls and see if it generates happy thoughts. Naming him Mandein.

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Re: Fort Yak

#69 Post by DarnYak »

Oh crap the first ambush. I don't know if my bird spotters would have caught it since a stupid cat that always goes outside to kill shit and bring it inside for my dwarves to throw away.

Stonesense has been updated, so here's a picture of the goblins chasing the cat in all its glory. The cat's in the upper left behind a tree.
I managed to drop the entire group into the entrance pit. Kind of a lot of good equipment on them, but if i don't smash them there will be about 10 zombies down there I really dont want to deal with.

A second ambush group was succesfully spotted by the entrance birds. They also ended up in the pit.
Goblins in a pit.jpg
Holy crap the first one to get raised as a zombie one-shotted all the other goblins one after another. Admittedly, they were injured and some unconcious from the fall, but still.

Seeing as I'm getting regular ambushes now, I'm thinking its time to focus heavily on getting metalsmithing industry going. Digging straight down to reach magma.

New migrant wave had 38 fuckign dwarves. Six of them had Great skill in a useful skill too (3 fucking Great masons). Goddamn. Didn't even spot any vamps this round either.

The stupid cat that died to goblins (it had lead them on quite a chase) came back and attacked the fort as a zombie. This wouldn't have mattered, except its corpse went unnoticed and caused a giant miasma in the middle of all the army dwarves, who are already eternally unhappy at being drafted. I'm expecting bad things. And the migrants brought a new cat with them, which is already killing insects and dumping them at the military dwarves as well.
Miasma.jpg (9.6 KiB) Viewed 15922 times
Magma forge tunnels have been dugout, currently cleaning out shitty rocks from the area so I can designate ore stockpiles. There was a magma pipe on the third cavern layer making access to the magma a bit easier.

One of the new migrants just got a mood. He was already a great mason/engraver, so it's kind of wasted.

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Re: Fort Yak

#70 Post by DarnYak »

I'm going to have to find a way to deal with these things. Of course, they might just respawn as unsmashable zombies. First though, need an armed military.

Somehow a kidnapper got away with a kid. I assume one of the military dwarves' baby, since they all carry the damn things around with them non stop. Still, hard to imagine how any kidnappers are getting past my wall of 50 dwarves "training" in the front corridor.

Elreth got elected mayor again. He was mayor earlier, but then got replaced by some random herbalist.

12 magma forges built. Yes, a bit overkill. Especialy with only 12 furnaces. Oh well, I can always expand it if needed.

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Re: Fort Yak

#71 Post by DarnYak »

I was just thinking, "hmm, I kind of want to do some above ground construction stuff, but no, I better not because I might get a siege." Then I got a siege like 30s later. 14 goblin axemen with a swordsman riding a giant toad.

Mian's been taken by a mood. Crap he wants bones, time to kill a horse and deal with the various parts of it coming back to life. Actualy fuck it lets try a chicken first.

The goblins are inching towards the fortress in the slowest crawl i've ever seen. At this rate they'll be bored and leave before they get in. ok, the goblins went straight for the river, the giant toad jumped in (with the swordsman on his back) and now seemst o be happily sitting there underwater. I'm waiting for the goblin to drown.

Autumn arrived. Most annoying part about this 'siege' is it denied me the human caravan.

Mian finally started his construction with 3 peices of iron ore, hors ebones, cut gems, giant cave spider silk cloth, gold bars, 2 peices of wood, and gizzard stones. At a crafting shop. Whatever skill he gets will be kind of worthless, but this item is likely to be awesome. "Beltshamed the Dawn of Wood", a ring with a picture of trees on it worth 86,400 dwarf bucks.

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Re: Fort Yak

#72 Post by DarnYak »

The seige finally ended, the dwarven caravan immediately arrived, and then a new, much larger, siege started, lead by a hammerlord. Most of them have mounts, some flying. One of the groups spawned right outside my entrance, so the caravan is fucked.
Yea, that didn't end well. Sealing up the fort completely this time.

If you're wondering, I use stonesense screenshots when it shows things reasonably well. It doesn't show all the corpses laying around so an in game shot works better.

The caravan managed to kill some of the goblins. Both the goblins and the dwarves and the dead mounts are coming back as zombies and now its zombies vs siege. Zombies took out a seperate troll group, so troll zombies will be joining in soon as well. Things are not looking well for the siege.

A giant toad and a crossbow goblin managed to get inside after the fort was sealed (flaw in my defenses to be remedied shortly). They were both injured by a fall, and the toad crept foward into my waiting army. However, it only got far enough to aggro 3 unarmed militia. They proceeded to knock it unconcious (so their safe) but now their pummeling it unsuccesfully to kill it. This has been going on a while now.

Actualy it looks like the goblins managed to get a handle on the zombie invasion, since now they're generally clumped up and killing zombies one at a time. There's still quite a few of them alive too.

Outside is complete chaos. Zombie apocalypse to its fullest. The goblins are actually hanging on reasonably well since thier armored, but they're scattered and they loose a little at a time. Might change when the crossbowmen run out of arrows.

A pretty decent dwarf got scared of a troll coming inside so he ran straight outside into the waiting goblin army. Good job.

A random horse starved to death for no good reason. Way to go stpid ass horse.

The goblins finally got tired and left, so now there's an army of undead standing around my entrance. Cleaning this up is going to be annoying.
That's the ground above my entrance. Those are all zombies. Wonderful.

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Re: Fort Yak

#73 Post by DarnYak »

My adventuring in Fort Yak continues after taking a few days off to go crazy working on EotA.

First thing when I get back is the a dwarf completed an artifact bed worth 79200. Awesome, Baron Yak will enjoy that.

I'm trying to focus on some quality of life stuff for my dwarves now, they've been pretty heavily neglected all game (much more importnat concerns after all), but now that the fort is sealed up its about time they get some perks. Also working on getting my military fully equiped.

I dug out a giant new pasture area for all the livestock but now all the horses are going hungry. I'm not sure why, there's a lot of moss tiles for them and they were surviving just fine in a much smaller area before.
Here's the fourth one. My caverns are overrun, I need to do something about this eventually. I'm tempted to make a path for them leading up to the surface, but then I could have a zombie forgotten beast camping outside for eternity.

The diplomat went stark raving mad due to being trapped inside, unable to go home. I'm not sure how he got in through the siege to begin with, but letting him go outside thorugh the zombie horde didn't seem like a good idea. He jumped off a cliff inside my caverns.

I've also gotten my first ghost, from one of the merchants killed. i dont know what its doing, it's hanging out with my army though. I'm having a memorial made but i don't remember if that works for non-citizens.

One of the giant sponges earned itself a name. It's been under constant assault by land zombies (unlike the other one by flying zombies) so it's been chain killing them all game since it can actually reach them.

I've finished trapping a section of my entrance and opened it up to the zombies. It's a long narrow hall with pits on both sides, with a tastey chicken on the far side. The idea is zombies will go to eat the chicken, but they'll eventualy get knocked off the side (or dodge off the side) by one of the traps. So far I'm less than impressed with the results (nothing's gotten through, but mostly the zombies are dying over and over up top to the traps), so I may have to make a water powered version of the same thing. The bottom contains another bridge smasher to dispose of zombies properly.

The insane dwarf ended up limping into one of the cave pools and drowning there. Now I have to wait for him to come back as a zombie so i can dispose of him.

The siege eventually got bored and left, but a lone troll stayed behind hanging out next to the old hatch leading into the original entrance. Guess he hasn't figured out there's just a wall on the other side of it yet.

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Re: Fort Yak

#74 Post by DarnYak »

Great, migrants. Not only do I not want more dwarves, there's a fucking zombie horde outside. And yet, I owe it to them since they've come to be my slaves. Hopefully my army can keep the entrance clear safely (WITHOUT DROPPING ALL THEIR SHIT).

Nevermind, it fought a giant sponge for like 5 seconds then turned into a human and ran away.

Trying to smash a water buffalo zombie destroyed one of my bridges. Great. Now everything's fucked.

Ok, the above bridge smashing bsaiclay destroyed this fort. The waterbufallo zombie sat in a pit interrupting all the dwarves flooding outside trying to #1 clean up zombies and #2 rescue a few wounded dwarves (who really could walk back to the hospital on their own since the injuries were minor, but why would they). A few managed to throw additional zombies down there to make it even more crowded. Finally i dug a hole and sent my military to kill all the zombies down there, which they did, but my dwarves waited forever to move one last corpse, which ended up coming back to life just after my military left the area in a really nasty narrow hall and it trapped a bunch of dwarves. And then one of the military dwarves tantrumed and detroyed the bidge which MY ENTIRE MILITARY WAS STANDING ON. And on top of all this, a few goblin ambush groups popped up.

I'm trying really hard to figure out what to do about the military. None of them died, they all just start tantruming the moment they see undead. Which is bad since their entire purpose is to kill undead. None of them have any happy thoughts from all the statues crap i surround the barracks area with either. Hell, they dont even have a "good sparring session" thought.

The good news is they actually did really well at fighting zombies. All the injuries were minor and only to dwarves that didn't have equipment yet.

Reverting back to the save before I opened the damn door. I'm generally avoiding reloading when bad shit happens, but this was more of a "lets see if this works" cause i wanted to try out my military. And having most of my military dead or crippled is almost certainly game ending.

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Re: Fort Yak

#75 Post by DarnYak »

This time I opened the fort up and said come on in, but I'm not going out there. There's been this human diplomat also hanging around who also tried to get in. Turns out he has a crossbow and is basicly mowing down the zombies on his way in, so its not acutaly as bad as it sounds. I also drafted damn near all the migrants and told them to fight their way in. Only one actualy is trying to fight, and it didn't end so well.
Dwarf Toss.jpg
The dwarf was where the jabberer is now, fighting it. It then got thrown past the position shown to the edge of the screen. Goddamn that thing is scary. Amazingly, the dwarf took no damage, I presume because the edge of the map stopped the fall without colliding with something.

Amazingly, they all made it in safely. I dont know how that turned out better than sending the military to guard them.

Oh, so that's why it went so well. I unlocked the vamp room to let another vampire in. Turns out they don't obey burrow restrictions after all and they went and killed a bunch of dwarves. Fuck them.

Third try: the human decided not to be a hero and just ran away from them this time. About half the migrants died, but i don't really care. Some random worthless military dwarf got a minor injury and immediately went insane.

Just whent he map seemed cleared out, another goblin siege. What's annoing is it seems like the zombies retain their pre-death objectives, so zombie invaders continue to invade, zombie kobolds still try to steal shit, etc.

I dont think any dwarves from this migration actually made it in this time except the stupid vampire. Maybe some children did too.

Oh shit these goblins are lead by a demon lord. Some of them decided to attack the giant sponge that had been fighting the zombie wren going on 5 years now. They killed the wren, but then died to the sponge.

The death of the wren zombies has caused a massive increase in wandering zombies coming onto the map. Which are running into the goblin siege. I'm starting to wonder if I'll ever see the surface again.

My god there's like 30 zombie limbs around that one sponge now. It just can't get a break. The demon & the rest of the siege (what remained of it, anyway) left, although i'm still listed as under siege. Possibly due to the zombies.

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