Fort Yak

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Re: Fort Yak

#76 Post by DarnYak »

Somehow the latest vampire got elected mayor. He's been locked in a room with only the other vampires, so he has no friends in the fortress outside that room. Yet somehow the previous mayor got replaced. WTF.

Goblins keep trying to ambush the fort. Then they see and attack the zombies. And get swarmed and die. I think I need to make a new entrance on the other side of the map.

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Re: Fort Yak

#77 Post by DarnYak »

There's some giant forgotten beast reunion going on in the caverns. I kind of want to dispose of them, but i dont think there's any viable way to clear them out due to zombiefication once their dead.

I'm overflowing with animals (mostly donkeys) so i've had to start butchering them. It's not terrible since I have a military stationed next to the butcher shops, but it's still annoying.

A kobold theif tried to steal stuff from the zombies (go ahead!). It ended up gettng caught and leading a parade of zombies around the map.

Random ghosts from merchants or whatnot keep appearing. Wish they were easier to notice.

I've marked all the bunnies and cavys to be adopted. Any that aren't picked up before long are going to be mass euthanized, too many animals around and these types don't give anything except skulls. Finally a military dwarf got to it, but she was holding her baby and the baby got killed.

Just to give an idea of what's going on in my map: There's 160 visible & 'living' non dwarf/livestock. 3 are cave creatres (2 trogs + 1 toad). 4 are forgotten beasts. 3 are giant sponges. The entirety of the rest are zombies.

I decided to give the entire military some time off to hopefully givethem some happy thoughts instead of "enraged by a long patrol lately". Now their all unhappy about being "releived from duty". Mills is even tantruming in his sleep. Seriously these military dwarves are impossible to satisfy. On the bright side, them taking time off let them all take fucking baths finally.

DEAR GOD MILLS JUST WENT BERSERK. He charge ddown the hal chasing random dwarves. I reactivated the entire military and sent them to kill him. Two scrub dwarves got to him first and died. A third managed to survive just long enough wth severe wounds for the rest of the army to arrive and swarm him. Dekar chopped off a hand and foot while some random scrub recruit got the killing blow.

Seriously Mills why couldn't you just go spend some time at the waterfall and be happy like the other dwarves.

Fuck now LordYak is tantruming in his sleep.

Another random militayr dwarf started tantruming. He was hanging out near where Mills died, and nobody threw away one of the dwarves' head. Now it came backt o life and is kicking that tantruming dwarf's ass. Some brave dwarf picked him up and dragged him away though.

A donkey died of starvation during Mill's rampage. It's corpse came alive and killed a dwarven child and is terrorizing others. Things are really falling apart in Fort Yak. And it killed another child. Then a military dwarf showed to fight it, while holding her baby which promptly got killed. This is why I typically don't draft females into the military, but with the zombie threat I have to militarize everyone I can. Hell, I'd be tempted to put the entire fort as part time military, but they seem to really bug out if you do that (see: Mills continuing to train while off duty and never getting happy thoughts as a result and then going berserk).

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Re: Fort Yak

#78 Post by Dekar »

Tantrum/Zombie spiral go!

How many years old is that fort now?

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Re: Fort Yak

#79 Post by DarnYak »

It's late Fall of 205, pretty sure it started in 201., so almost 5 years.

It's kind of frustrating, because all the civilian dwarves are generally estatic over living conditions. Military dwarves however aren't getting any happy thoughts at all, from what i've seen they even go to the dining room with the food stockpiles, eat at the food stockpiles despite the many empty tables, then leave, thus not getting happy from eating in a good dining room, whiel at the same time being unhappy that ther'es not enough chairs (even though the room is filed with empty chairs). I'm going to have to try doing something like 3 months on duty, 1 month off, and hope they get some downtime without tantruming.

The humans have decided to siege now, because their diplomat died to the zombies. Have fun out there ya'll.

Another military dwarf has been stricken by melancholy. Being stationed to kill the zombie donkeys while thier being butchered was too much. I guess it would be kinda depressing to know you're going to be eating that, but it won't fucking die. Fuck, another dwarf in the same group just went berserk. It's like they get a seperate unhappy thought for every undead they fight or something, which is really stupid if true. Another dwarf, from the same squad again, also went berserk. I almost need new migrants at this point just to replace all the military dwarves I'm losing to tantrums. Too bad I can't draft the 85 fucking children dwarves (out of 218). Stupid berserk dwarf killed a peacock even though Siege and Dekar were nearby to quickly kill him.
And here's another one.

Seriously this season has been a complete disaster for this fort. Deaths everywhere, 3 FB's, ambushes, a siege (even 2 maybe?).

Another forgotten beast. Fuck it i'm not pasting images of their descriptions anymore. That makes 8 total in the caverns.

The human siege finally charged one of the zombie groups. It didn't go well for them.

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Re: Fort Yak

#80 Post by Mills »

That will show you for relieving me from duty.

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Re: Fort Yak

#81 Post by DarnYak »

A Minotaur has arrived on the surface to attack my fort. Curious what he'll do with the zombies. And another forgotten beast, a giant blob made of filfth.

There's also a ghost that isn't listed on the engrave list. Which means i can't get rid of it. Great.

Another ghost appeared, and I figured out the slab thing. Since the dwarf's remains still exist on the map, they're not lost so you require a coffin instead of just a slab. Which is naturally a problem since the dwarves remains are walking around amongst a horde of zombies up top.

The fort is starting to run out of booze because Pool, the manage, refuses to validate production orders lately for some reason. That and there's not many plants for some reason.

The minotaur has charged into the zombie swarm. So far it has (temporarily) put down a ton of zombies without taking damage. I expect it might last a while, but eventually a zombie will get lucky.

The dwarves are wasting so much time because thier so goddamn stupid. Mostly military dwarves. They pick up a pot of booze. Haul it all the way across the fortress to their station point. Drink. Then they haul it all the way back. No wonder my training this time around is utter shit.

Finally, an artifact with a description worth mentioning:
Two goblin ambush groups joined the minotaur in fighting the undead, who is so far only scratched on one leg. I don't know if the minotaur and goblins will eventualy fight though. Also, the tenth forgotten beast has arrived. Nevermind, it seems the goblins took heavy losses and quickly retreated.

Crap, a bull "went missing'. I'm pretty sure it starved to death. This is both unfortunate because of the loss of a fairly good animal to have & butcher, but also because things are just starting to settle down inside and the last thing i need is a zombie cow pissing the military off again.

Some dwarf is going apeshit over not being able to "drop off" something. I can't figure out what's going on there, she's not in a burrow or anything.

For anyone wondering, here's what the zombie apocalypse outside my fort looks like at the moment.

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Re: Fort Yak

#82 Post by DarnYak »

I've upgraded to the newest DF version, which shouldn't really impact my fort too much aside from making vampires harder to detect, and cleaning up some of the zombie name's (some of them are 4-5 iterations long where a goblin died, lost a limb, then that limb was reanimated seperately and died a few times and it just ends up being corspe of corpse of corpse of corpse).

I've decided to change my playstyle a bit due to recent events. Typically I don't make heavy use of weapon traps except where dwarves/traders don't normally walk, because i find it absurd that these traps are intelligent or dwarves can perfectly dodge around every trap in the fort. However, I'm changing that for this fort to scatter them around the fort to help deal with random zombie outbreaks and hopefully minimize military involvement.

It's been one of my longer term goals to recolonize the surface to some extent, but since I failed to do that in the early years when it was calm means it's a bit difficult now. Except I remembered I have a room full of vampires that aren't attacked by or scared of zombies. So the new plan is to make a new entrance with an airlock. Vamps are going to get some very basic supplies (mostly just a pick) and will build thier own surface entrance. They'll start reclaiming the surface, and there will be some sort of large warehouse airlock for them to transfer stuff to the main fort. They'll also be able to clean up the zombies up top since they can individualy attack a single zombie and then safely dispose of its remains as needed. Of course they need to wait for the minotaur to die first, who as of now only has a broken hand (I presume from punching zombies non stop).

An elven caravan arrived. No guys, don't even try coming near, I don't need more zombies. Damnit, they left the map edge for some reason and aggro'd the other horde (the minotaur is killing the other horde). This one got chopped up for some reason, so its mostly a bunch of individual limbs chasing this elf around. In a way i'm happy so the vampires can go and grab the animals they brought with them.

More ambushes, this time goblins lead by humans.

For some reason the ghosts are only hanging around in the newly built barracks, annoyignt he crap out of my already tantrum prone military dwarves. I managed to put 2 of them to rest (I assume the minotaur destroyed their remains or something) but a third one I just can't get rid of.

Decided it was time to get rid of the minotaur, so i let him into the fort through the dodge pit. He fell in, landed on his head and instantly died. I feel slightly bad for doing that to someone who has done so much to fight the zombie horde...but he did want to kill everyone, so not that bad. His corpse was safely destroyed.

Things stupid dwarves do: While filling a pond, throwing the bucket into the pond after empting its contents, then go fucking nuts trying to get the bucket out of the pond because the won't go to swim and refusing to do anything else until they have it, requiring me to empty the pond they just spent years filling up.

A ton of zombies are inching thier way into the fortress since I opened up the side entrance for the minotaur. I guess that's one way to clean them up.

These vampires work extremely slow due to not drinking booze. To the point they're basically doing nothing. Plan to recolonize the surface with them is probably not ging to work.

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Re: Fort Yak

#83 Post by DarnYak »

Zombies want chicken.jpg
The zombies really want a peice of that chicken.

"The fortress attracted no migrants this season". Wonder why.

Weird history in this world, there are so many carvings refering to this one elf being killed by a bronze collosus, and i just had a dwarf make an artifact statue of one. Not that the death of an elf isn't something to be celebrated, but this seems a bit overkill.

Wow, there's a random 2 goblins alive on the surface, just standing in the middle of everything. There are other goblin corpses near, I guess its just a solo zombie harrassing them that they can deal with.

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Re: Fort Yak

#84 Post by DarnYak »

Not much has been happening for a while. Vampires are digging out their own little area to breach the surface, but without booze they're digging slow as fuck. Like one tile a month or some bullshit. Reminds me of all my early forts, when nobody knew what was going on or that dwarves even required booze to function. I've also dug out a new mini-entrance to try out a new trap involving a giant cistern of water that opens up and pushes enemies into a deep pit.

The dwarven caravan arrived around when i started to doubt i would ever see another living creature. I was about to open up to see if the guards could fight their way inside, but then the humans arrived in another siege (who all seem to be riding boars).

The fort is sitting at 99 children and oddly I haven't seen any recent babies. Wonder if it's the cap.

I have no idea what's going on with this siege. There was some intiial fight between the dwarf guards and humans, and i'm sure some zombies joined in, but the humans quickly ended up scattering in all directions, doesn't even look like thier chasing anything...but the armies shouldn't be fleeing except to the map edge. My only theory is if the boars thier sitting on aren't military material and are fleeing and dragging the humans with them. An army of men on pigs running around chaoticly. This game is great.

There's also a contingent of war bobcats. The fact that war is missing frm the boars makes me think their not combat ready and thus are in fact fleeing in terror from zombies. The humans are everywhere around the map, i've never seen a group scatter so much.
Guts.jpg (3.02 KiB) Viewed 14272 times
I just noticed something awesome. I'd been wondering what the ~'s were in the picture above for a while (seen them around randomly elsewhere). I noticed this particular zombie moving, and the ~'s moved with it. I checked the zombie's wounds, and yes, those apparently are his guts hanging out.

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Re: Fort Yak

#85 Post by DarnYak »

The siege has been lifted. But the fort is unquestionably worse off. Before, the zombies could be dealt with because they were generaly confined to two areas, and I had plans to open up additional roads in. This human siege managed to spread them all over the map while increasing thier numbers. If these vampires ever reach the surface i may have to try to set up some automated zombie traps on the surface - something like a yummy turkey surrounded by traps, but that still needs some sort of disposal system.

I ordered some horse slaughtering because we're having absurd amounts of livestock. The butchers shops are trapped so military dwarves shouldn't need to intervene, but somehow two horse skin zombies got out. I decided to let them rampage and see how long it takes for something to kill them (generally they die in one hit) it took a while but a brave dwarven child finally attacked one and easily defeated it.

The vamps have been let out to the surface. I'm having 3 of them arm themselves with whatever the fuck they find on the surface to weild. The other two don't get that because of a shitty bug that was causing Dekar to always dump his axe before. The vamps rescued a cat in a cage from the zombie horde. Awww.

One of Emu's children was murdered by a horse skin as she was tanning it. Another child got a possession mood immediately after.

Troll failed, pit it is.

A troll zombie managd to make it to the very last trap in the gauntlent to reach the chicken, dying over and over again but inching his way through it. Now its a race, will he revive and take the last step, or will a vampire show up and chuck his corpse into the pit like thier doing with the other ones first.

One of the sponges has killed the same zombies over and over so many times its now glowing red like its a fucking megabeast. Must have hit legendar of some skill.

Holy crap i just found out i have over 1000 eggs to be cooked.

An asshole kobold stabbed and seriously injured one of my vamps.

Now 3 ambush groups popped up, and unlike normal they aren't dying to the zombie horde quickly. I told the vamps to get inside, but 4 of 5 just ignored my orders. One charged them and was instantly killed despite having fairly decent equipment. One shot with a mace to the head, through a steel helm. Lame. Seriously, all the reports were vampire militaries were pretty godly. Here we have one stabbed by a kobold, another one shot by a goblin. The third attacked the goblins but came otu seriously injured - goblisn died, but that might have been some zombies helping.

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Re: Fort Yak

#86 Post by DarnYak »

So one vamp died, another vamp went insane, and another appears to be missing. My plan to take back the surface seems to have severely backfired because vamps are stupider and bigger crybabies then normal dwarves. I told them to go inside but instead they all just stood where they were and wated for the ambushers to attack them. Would have been better leaving htem as civilians and they may have been able to run away. Seriously they were locked in a tiny room together for 5 years and were perfectly content, but the moment they have to do something they all cry and die. Hell, this insane one is probably going to be around forever because he can't die of thirst/starvation.

Great, the fourth vampire got caught by my new trapped entrance because he's a fucking moron. Technically its my fault since i only thougth to dwarf proof it from the inside, but I had no idea this idiot would go in there to begin with. At least he has a pick so he can dig himself out. Or he won't dig because he's underwater. Great.

Here's my new entrance/trap.
New Trap.jpg
In the middle is a yummy turkey surrounded by windows (rock windows...don't ask how, I don't know either). There's a pit on each side of the windows. Across the outside of the pit is a ledge where zombies walk in, then fortifications. In the middle of each ledge is a pressure plate linked to a hatch in the cistern above. The water poors out behind the fortifications, where it's then de-pressurized by the diagonal squares. This is to both stop the cistern from instantly draining, as well as to keep the water flow at below 7 (otherwise it doesn't push objects, the water will just teleport past full squares). The water then pushes the zombies off the ledge into the chasm. The two pressure plates are different - the first won't be triggered normally, as it's only set to very large creatures that can't be crushed by bridges. It leads to just a deep pit where they can rot for all of eternity. The second pit is for everything else, with a typical bridge smashing trap on bottom (to clear out zombies thus reducing lag). I'm going to modify the second half to add a bunch of weapon traps to either #1 make enemies dodge into the pit before triggering the trap, or #2 build up a corpse pile then have it get flushed whenever an enemy makes it that far. Initial testing shows it's very effective and automated, aside from idiot vampires deciding to play around in there.

Somehow the vamp mayor lost reelection to Elreth. As much as I hate seeing Elreth elected, I'm glad its not a vamp because pissed off dwarves can go bitch at the mayor and feel better about things, which they haven't been able to do with a locked up vamp. Of course, one of the vamps now wants to meet with the mayor. I think its the former mayor even. Must want to bitch about losing his job.

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Re: Fort Yak

#87 Post by Discombobulator »

Reading your prose really makes me want to play this game, but there's no way I can take those graphics.
I'm this forum's MVP.

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Re: Fort Yak

#88 Post by Dekar »

There are some more graphical tilesets to grab, like this one:


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Dekar: WAVES
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Re: Fort Yak

#89 Post by DarnYak »

It's not actually as bad as it looks, even without a tileset. Most of what i post is surface shots, which don't make much sense. Hell, even greener maps are a lot easier to see what things are instead my evil wasteland. Once you're underground and you're the one putting shit everywhere then you quickly pick up what things are. The controls are actually the harder part, since its got a rather arcane keyboard system to do everything.

Well, the gameplay itself is also rather rough, since its got one of the steepest learning curves of any game. I've been following df since the start and it just throws a ton of crap at you that you need to do right off. That said, it's somewhat surprising how much abuse your dwarves can take with a few simple steps - such as in my fort, where I've done almost no dwarf life improvements, including beds standing in a few random roms around the fort with no personal bedrooms until recently. I actually think vampire dwarves are really the one step too far -- far too common to show up, somewhat difficult to find (and he's makng it harder), and you just can't really do anything about them short of walling them in thier own room.

There's also adventurer mode. When Fort Yak finally collapses, I intend to upload this one so that people may try to wander around in it (or even reclaim if they feel up to that challenge).


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Re: Fort Yak

#90 Post by Dekar »

Toady got over $12500 donations last month. :shock:

Dekar: the ultimate ocean themed hero should buff and depend on spawn waves!
DarnYak: why is that
Dekar: WAVES
Dekar: :D
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Re: Fort Yak

#91 Post by DarnYak »

The elven caravan arrived. The goblins sent more ambushes. At this rate my fort is going to cause the death of the entire world attempting to come trade with and/or fight me.

For the hell of it I backed up my save and opened up the caverns to pit my military against the forgotten beasts. Stationed in a tiny hall, al but one of the beasts charged straight for the entrance as soon as a hole was dug. One after another in a very short period. The first beast killed a dwarf right away, but from there the tides turned. The dwarves killed one beast after another with minor losses, untill there was a giant clusterfuck of my army vs about 5 forgottne beasts at once. All but one of the beasts died (and that one was made of glass and almost dead too). The problem was one of them set my dwarves on fire, and another had a syndrome causing all the flesh to rot off my dwarves bodies, which they began to spread to the rest of the fort. A few military dwarves managed to survive, but the fort is almost certainly doomed - as was expected. Still, this gives me encouragement that i can legitly defeat these monsters and claim all of the caverns for my dwarves.

I couldnt' manage to find out who got all the killing blows, but odds are it was all Dekar becuase his fucking dwarf seems to be everywhere.

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Re: Fort Yak

#92 Post by Dekar »

Dekar is just that awesome.

Dekar: the ultimate ocean themed hero should buff and depend on spawn waves!
DarnYak: why is that
Dekar: WAVES
Dekar: :D
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Re: Fort Yak

#93 Post by DarnYak »

BTW, I'm taking requests for projects. Not megaprojects, needs to be reasonable to work on. This can be related to your specific dwarf, presuming he's still alive.

I ran the clean utility on the map just to get rid of general bloodspatters etc. that cause lag. I have no doubt there will be a new layer of blood everywhere anyway.

Since I want to fight the forgotten beasts, I figured splitting them up would be the best way to start. Part of the problem from the previous battle was because there's a passage connecting the first and second cavern, so I dug into that passage and quickly walled it off. Not sure I'll ever mess with the ones in the second cavern, since it's completely lifeless and barren (it didn't spawn with water so there's no plants or animals). Good fortune has it that many of the forgotten beasts from the first cavern actually migranted to the second cavern already, so i may only need to deal with 2 or 3 of them.

One of the vamp's has been stuck in "attend meeting" for quite a while now. At this rate i think it will be the rest of his life, since he's not gettng in the fort to talk to anyone.

You can apparently make new vampire dwarves fairly easly. Build an upright spike, linked to a lever. Station vampire over the spike. Fill with water. Build a well over the vampire. Lock dwarves in the room with nothing else to drink, while another pulls the lever. Vamp's blood goes into the water, and whoever drinks the water is converted. Kind of awesome for making a set of dwarves that can safely travel outside, but they'd eventually all become useless due to a lack of booze drinking. Not sure doing it in this fort is worth it, even though i would like a few dwarves that can safely go outside to clean up. I do wonder if they'd speed back up if they drank dwarf blood...and i do have a million children doing nothing important in my fort. (Down to 98 actually, one grew into a useful peasant that immediately got drafted).

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Re: Fort Yak

#94 Post by Dekar »

Make some legendary rooms for Dekar with materials he likes. Don't forget his tomb.

Dekar: the ultimate ocean themed hero should buff and depend on spawn waves!
DarnYak: why is that
Dekar: WAVES
Dekar: :D
DarnYak: i was afraid that was the answer

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Re: Fort Yak

#95 Post by DarnYak »

There's no tombs in this fort. Either you live forever as a zombie or you get smashed. And nice inventive request there. Denied.

Nick scryer was ordered to channel out some stairs. He did so while standing on them, where there was nothing below, and fell several stories and broke both legs. Wonder if he'll ever be able to walk again. Fucking idiot dwarves.

Not recent but not sure i ever mentioned it: I made a giant new dormitory with a mist machine covering most of its area, near the military area. Most of the military should be sleeping now and so far they've been relatively calm, so I consider it a success.

A human diplomat arrived, I presume to make peace. Good fucking luck, please just run away from this hellhole till I manage to get control of it. Oh shit the merchants came too. There's two vampires outside, one injured one crazy...lets hope they don't come inside and start feasting. Nevermind, not only is the injured vamp suddenly beelining for my fort, but the humans stood no chance of reaching it anyway.

Nick.Scryer got patched up and is just fine now.

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Re: Fort Yak

#96 Post by DarnYak »

I've decided to get rid of most of the livestock except for the birds, goats, alpacas, and sheep. Oh, and the two yaks, but i think those are going to die on thier own (their bugged and can't quite eat enough to sustain themselves, so their slowly growing more and more hungry, despite having a giant pasture). Everything else just eats too damn much and its a giant pain with their reproduction rates. Particularly the horses and donkeys. Plus, those two are very dangerous when they starve to death then rise as zombies, since thier zombie forms have no wounds at all due to death by starvation.

Great, another child taken by a mood. Like I need more legendary children that refuse to work.

Like half the statues my dwarves make are of elves being killed by some dragon or other megabeast. I may have to make a hall in tribute of elven carnage.

Speaking of elves being killed, the child finished this artifact (and got useless legendary bone carver, grats).
Artifact disc.jpg
Not only is it worth 111,120 dwarf bucks, but it's also recrusive (has a picture of itself on it). It's bone so it's worthles as a trap, but I need to set this up somewhwere so that dwarves are in awe of it.


Another dwarf finally had a child. This marks 100 children in the fort.

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Re: Fort Yak

#97 Post by DarnYak »

A random rabbit starved to death because it was hanging out in the meeting hall for no reason. Now its a zombie and chasing all the dwarves around. WHO WILL BE BRAVE ENOUGH TO COMBAT THIS MENACE?! A child took a few swings at, missed, and ran away. A militia captain came into the room just as the rabbit chased the children out another door, so he didn't see it and is just chilling. Another child jumped in and killed it in one punch. Future military right there. I name this kid Rabbitbane.

A new forgotten beast has appeared, right outside my forgotten beast fighting area. It's named Pimut Sneerscoils the Devous Affliction of Trifles. Kinda scared of this thing since it has poison gas.

I opened up my secondary zombie safe entrance and it is attracting a giant mess of zombies for some reason. They dont seem to care about my front door, only this one. Fine with me, glad for a chance to clear the place of some zombies.

Speaking of zombies, dwarven caravan arrived. They didnt' stand a chance, as always. Actualy, they might if they made a run straight for my fort, but they get scared and panic instead.

Uh, the legendary giant sponge has vanished. No, it just moved. It's now downstream, right in the middle of where I was trying to build my above ground fort. I don't know what's going on, but i'm terrified. Fuck it just moved upstream some. I really hope its on our side.

The battlegorund has been prepared. It's time to take on the forgotten beasts. Yes I made a backup incase this goes horribly wrong. Yes I'm a horrible cheater.

Ok, that didn't go quite as planned. I had set up the area to let one in at a time, first the fliers. Except the fliers didn't come. So I let in the ground ones, but I couldn't safely close the door for just one, so my dwarves ended up taking 3 of them on at once. One dwarf was minorly injured to start, and another lost his left arm soon after. However, the first beast fell, and then the second. Then a fourth beast showed up. The third beast fell. The first beast rose again as a zombie. Then the zombie and last beast were dispatched. So far as I can tell, only 3 dwarves were injured, one severely. All of the kills seem to belong to random unnamed dwarves.

So cleanup began. Then another forgotten beast comes out of fucking nowhere, webs everyone, and goes to town. Then the other FB's turn into zombies and join in. The ones who got the killing blows were quickly stuck down. This giant web shooting hedgehob beast took a lot of hits bit stubbornly refused to ie, spewing webs non stop and preventing dwarves from evading the zombies. One ambitious weaver snuck out the entrance to collect spider webs outside. The dwarves did ultimately prevail (at least, for now - who knows what will happen with the zombies), but that last one made the endevour not worth it, and will liekly result in a tantrum spiral even if these corpses are disposed of before they kill everyone.

Time to have the stupid dwarves open this trap the right way this time. Bah, the FB came in and out almost instantly, that didn't work. Fuck it, I'll deal with this tomorrow.

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Re: Fort Yak

#98 Post by mianmian »

Hmm, did you ever figure out what was wrong with Mian? Those yellow wounds?
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Re: Fort Yak

#99 Post by DarnYak »

The tale continues!

I think mian just has scars, which show up as permanent wounds.

Slaughtering all our livestock is dangerous business. A cow skin just killed some random dwarf. I think i may give up on trying to get leather from them untill the mass slaughtering is over.

For a while, I had doubts that this sponge was intentionaly moving. Then i saw it jump 2 squares to attack a zombie as it rose.

The Yak's are starving, despite being in a giant room with tons to graze on. It's unfortunately necessary to put them out of their misery, despite them being the sacred beast of the fort.

A mechanic got a strange mood. Legendary mechanics never hurt.

I opened the forgotten beast trap but for some reason none of them were interested in coming in (even though it worked last time). Going to have to try putting a sacrifical tastey chicken in there for them. Of course, right after I say that 2 FB's run into the trap back to back. One who had been idling just outside since the trap opened, but waited until the other one showed up. One of them is the giant web spitting hedgehog that was such a danger last time. The other is a gila monster with a poisonous bite. Ok, they went down this passage with the prize at the end, I opened up the dwarves, now thier doing this werid dance around each other but not actually going anywhere. It's like first they want to destroy the building, but then they want to eat dwarves, then the building, then the dwarves. Make up your fuckign minds. i'm growing tempted to just wall them in like this. There i deactivated the military so they'd make up thier mind. Military needed a break anyway for food/sleep/whatever.

The legendary giant sponge has gone off the small waterfall into the lake below. This makes me happy because it should be fairly difficult for it to get back up and scare off any dwarves around the entrance.

I've made a zoo for my dwarves to visit from the random animals caravans have left behind and were rescued. A python, an eagle, a hyena, a siamang. Not that exciting but dwarves are easily amused (and enraged).

Fought the FB's. Lost one speardwarf (the first dwarf to reach the hedgehog, I think he was missing a helmet and took a bad hit), that's about it. Disco killed the hedgehog, not sure who got the other one.

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Re: Fort Yak

#100 Post by DarnYak »

Ok, something strange is going on in the caverns. I suddenly noticed a "Forgotten Beast is no longer enraged" message. I go find the beast, and find it heavily wounded, standing next to the corpse of another beast, and a ways away is another injured forgotten beast. I'm assuming one of them was a zombie (otherwise they wouldn't fight), but that leaves a question of who killed the beast. There is a corpse? I think? I can't tell, it's named and is just an H. I guess its possible a horse got pushed into my water crushing trap, swept out the drainage fortifications and into the caverns, where it fought the forgotten beasts. Now one is back as a zombie and the other is dead.

One of the dwarves tantrumed and destroyed one of the bridges used in the forgotten beast trap. Luckily I caught it right before i opened it again.

The elven caravan has arrived, near my trapped entrance that has cleared out most the zombies, so it might acutaly make it in.

OH NO. A dwarven spearmaster has arrived leading a goblin ambush. The elves are in, but this treasonous dwarf must be put down.

Opening the tunnel had a strange effect. Zombies from all over the map started marching towards that entrance. I sealed the bridge to prevent the dwarves from runing out to pick up useless crap, but when I open it back up there will be a horde waiting to run in.

The dwarven traitor died to the zombies. That was easy. There's like 5 different ambush groups.

Awesome, managed to trade a ton of useless crafts for some actually useful goods. Now, the hard part of letting them leave the map safely.

One of the vamps finally healed up, right about when i had given up on him ever being useful again.

Another minotaur arrived. I had to open up the front door to try and let the elves out, and nowthe zombies are storming into that entrance. I can't quite figureout what's going on, it seems like the zombies pick a specific dwarf to target and they just idle around if they can't reach that dwarf, so once the gates open they all run in. And the stupid dwarves keep trying to surge out of the fort to find some useless crap on the map that i can't find. Toady why couldn't you make burrows so much less shitty.

Ok, letting the elves out is turning into one of the hardest projects i've ever tried. Opening the door lets bth a flood of zombies in and a flood of dwarves trying to get out. I have no clue why they are trying to get out. The back door got clogged by an asshole jabberer which isn't getting washed over the side for some reason, so i may have to rethink my back door.

I've finally given up, I pulled my dwarves far back into the fortress, locked doors to the front part where the elves are, and opened up the front gates. If the elves makeit out, great. If not, I no longer care. If zombies get into the front, fine I can clear those out. Just as long as they aren't able to go outside the caves. The managed to work fairly well, one elf attracted most he zombies onto a bridge, I dumped that elf+zombies into the pit, and the rest managed to run out. Rest of the fort remains zombie free. Success!

I have no clue where the minotaur went. I would guess it got zombified but i can't find its corspe either.

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