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Goblin Zeppelin controlled by CPU??

Posted: June 16th, 2010, 12:11 pm
by Setokaiva
In one game I played on Stormwail Peak, I noticed the army -- Not a CPU-controlled hero, but the red or blue player who owns all the units and towers, he owned a Zeppelin, and not only that but used it. By that I mean I saw the Zeppelin actually transporting melee units to my back row to attack the casters. We had United Creeps and they were Fel Horde, but that probably doesn't make any difference. How in the hell does the computer gain control of a Zeppelin like that? Does a CPU-controlled hero buy a Zeppelin and somehow give it to the army? Because you don't have shared units with your army, you really can't transport them. I just can't figure this out. And no that bug did NOT crop up where sometimes computer-controlled units spawned under your control... Too early in game...

Re: Goblin Zeppelin controlled by CPU??

Posted: June 16th, 2010, 1:23 pm
by DarnYak
Yea, sometimes when red/blue has a hero, and it runs past a goblin lab, it'll decide to buy a goblin zepplin. I don't know why, I did nothing to cause it to happen - its something built into the default ai created by Blizzard that red/blue use. Maybe it thinks stuff got stuck, or needs to get up a cliff...I don't know.


Re: Goblin Zeppelin controlled by CPU??

Posted: June 16th, 2010, 6:16 pm
by Setokaiva
Still it's quite an awesome... eh... random feature :)
...that you didn't even implement... Still cool though

Yeah it'd have to be the command that gives the red or blue computer player an extra hero, that puts it under their control and they decide what to do with it. I'm guessing that since it realizes it has a lot of units that might need moving (lots of cliffs in the way, especially in middle on Stormwail Peak) that it would buy a zeppelin and use it. The AI is smarter than we give it credit sometimes... Try playing against 3 of them all allied in a melee with always visible on, they will do a concerted attack on you with all three of their armies. I've seen it done, and believe me, it's scary.