Hero Idea - Abyssal Construct

Submit hero or skill concepts for critiquing and potential implementation.
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Hero Idea - Abyssal Construct

#1 Post by Kalrithus »

Abyssal Construct
Model: Abyssal with a 255/200/100 rgb coloring, model is attached in zip file, you can view the model by looking at the .gif file inside.

Bio: Created by Diennov and infused with his own essence, Uffern is a walking Juggernaut
of power. His strength not only comes from the power of the enchantments that created him,
but also from his enormous mass, making Uffern a devastating opponent.

Innate: Abyssal Shell - Passive 20%(or lower) magic resist
Abyssal Consumption - Wreaths Uffern in Flames causing 10 + (0.1*Int) to enemies in
a 250 radius for 10 seconds, also any evocation damage received by Uffern heals him
for half the damage it would have done. Medium -> Long Cooldown

Skills are a little odd, so bear with me.

Manifest Hate
Creep Area Damage/Debuff

Uffern invokes his insidious enchantments to cause lesser enemy troops to enter a state of rage,
during this state the afflicted units have a chance to turn hostile to their own units(become
neutral hostile) for a time causing confusion in the ranks. The afflicted units also suffer
damage from the ember of hate planted within them.

AoE - 175
Chance to go berserk - 5\10\15\20\25\30 every 5 seconds for a duration of 3\6\9\12\15\18 seconds
Damage over Time - 4\8\12\16\20\24 + (0.15*Str) per second.
Spell Duration - 20 seconds

Manifest Authority
Target Area Delay Damage

Uffern has been granted command over various demonkind and exercises his power over them. After
marking an Area for destruction (visual marker of a flame?) Uffern calls down one of his
infernal brethren to explode upon the area.

AoE - 325
Damage - 80\140\200\240\280\320 + 2*Str
Delay - 6\5.5\5\4.5\4\3.5 seconds

Manifest Strength
Self Buff/Ability Addition/Self-Damage

Uffern taps into his core essence augmenting his physical abilities for a time, however doing
so weakens the magic that binds his life causing it to leak out into the void.

Stat modifiers - + 10/17/24/31/38/45% damage
+ 15/20/30/45/65/90 Movespeed
A 3/6/9/12/15/18% chance to bash with +5 bonus damage for 1 second
Life Loss - 10/14/18/22/26/30 + (.2*Agil) per second.
Duration - 8/10/12/14/16/18 seconds.

Manifest Greed

Uffern's insatiable hunger for the magic to fuel his body empowers him to mark an enemy hero with
an Abyssal mark, this mark causes their mana to be burned violently from them when they come into
contact with other units. If the marked unit comes into range of another unit with mana the both
have their mana burned. This mana is then transferred back to Uffern.

Note: Basically polarize with a twist.

AoE 260 radius around the marked hero
Mana Burned - 5/10/15/20/25/30 per unit.
Mana restored to Uffern at a 1:1 ratio.
Duration - 20 seconds.
Ultimate - Manifest Destiny

Uffern envisions a world bathed in fire and chaos, a place where demons roam and slaughter elves and other lesser creatures for amusement. Focusing his will upon a single spot Uffern rips open a portal to his brethren. However they will not come through without a price, and so surrounding lesser beings are drawn into the portal to exchange places with demons of every kind. However Uffern's magic is not enough to bring them here permanently, and as they are slain or when the magic binding them fades they again trade places with the sacrifice that brought them here.

Units Taken\Demons Spawned - 4/8/14/20
Duration - 20/25/30/40 seconds
Units within a 300 AoE of the portal are dragged in until the cap is reached. This includes friendlies.
Demons are under hero control and have medium-high hp and medium damage. Random models including succubi and blue felguard.
Cooldown ~100-120 seconds.


Infernal Procreation - Manifest Authority
Units that die from this spell have a 35/70/100% chance to have their lifeforce converted into Infernal Shards (mini infernals) that have low hp, medium damage, and are player controlled. Last for 45 seconds.

10/16/21 Crystal Cost

Assert Dominance - Manifest Strength
For every 300 points of self inflicted damage caused by Manifest Strength a felhound is summoned at the end of the buff. (Drawn by Uffern's leaking essence).

Felhound Stats - HP:300 Armor:5 Unarmored Damage: 25-34 Hero 1.1 Attack Speed
Movespeed 480
Abilities: Magic Immunity, 100% Lifesteal, 25 Manaburn feedback
Lasts for 60 seconds Player Controlled.

35 Crystal Cost
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Last edited by Kalrithus on August 30th, 2009, 4:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Hero Idea - Abyssal Construct

#2 Post by Kalrithus »

Updated with Ultimate and a couple talents.

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Re: Hero Idea - Abyssal Construct

#3 Post by Dark_Nemesis »

Love the ideas. The themes, spells, and concpets are all solid.

A little confused about Manifest Destiny though?

Oh, and when I tried to view your model it spammed me with a bunch of IE browsers, forcing me to shut down the comp. happened twice now, don't know if its corrupted or something?

Any chance you could post just an image? I'd still like to see the model. :)


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Re: Hero Idea - Abyssal Construct

#4 Post by Kalrithus »

It really shouldn't do that unless it somehow corrupted itself during the upload which is very unlikely I'll try and upload the pic, its pretty small. Just make sure you can view .gif files..
AbyssalIllidan.gif (9.31 KiB) Viewed 8207 times

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Re: Hero Idea - Abyssal Construct

#5 Post by Luftwaffles »

Think you stole this from a map you made, and it's missing Punt.
- Luftwaffles

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Re: Hero Idea - Abyssal Construct

#6 Post by Kalrithus »

lol It has none of the skills my hero did on WotS only the name (because it is pro) and the model (which is even more pro). Otherwise he would definitely be allowed to blow up dealing damage to everyone one in a 800 radius for damage proportional to his hp and causing an Abyssal Shardling to be spawned for every unit hit =P.

Oh and Punt was fun too.

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Re: Hero Idea - Abyssal Construct

#7 Post by Dark_Nemesis »

Love the pic. Reminds of a demon/hybrid golem of sorts! Cool!


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Re: Hero Idea - Abyssal Construct

#8 Post by Kalrithus »

Bump, looking for feedback on the spells in particular

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Re: Hero Idea - Abyssal Construct

#9 Post by Dark_Nemesis »

Let ya know when I finish my hero suggestion!

I think this one have some potential! Some of the ideas, I think, are pretty good. :)


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Re: Hero Idea - Abyssal Construct

#10 Post by Dekar »

Innate makes him a nice tank against caster heroes with some immolation added.

Manifest Hate: Turning units neutral is propably a bad idea, because they will get killed by their former allies and thus grant them additional exp while denying yourself exp.
Maybe another effect that messes with their behavious like fear does, force attack on a random nearby allied unit.

Manifest Authority: Looks like the average unitless-edited summon infernal skill you find in many maps.

Manifest Strength: Selfbuff to chase and kill heroes, no unique effects so there is not much to say about it.

Manifest Greed: Nice idea, but horrible numbers. Needs larger AoE, int based burn and maybe a slight rework to include both units mana pools to determine the amount burned. Also duration.

Manifest Destiny: Nice idea, maybe give better summons for allied units.

Dekar: the ultimate ocean themed hero should buff and depend on spawn waves!
DarnYak: why is that
Dekar: WAVES
Dekar: :D
DarnYak: i was afraid that was the answer

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Re: Hero Idea - Abyssal Construct

#11 Post by Kalrithus »

Thanks for the comments =)
Manifest Hate: Turning units neutral is propably a bad idea, because they will get killed by their former allies and thus grant them additional exp while denying yourself exp.
Maybe another effect that messes with their behavious like fear does, force attack on a random nearby allied unit.
This is something to consider but like with a few spells I don't like the idea of it having no drawback to use, this would be something that could potentially turn around a large push as the chance for berserk is reoccurring which would either delay a group or cause it to collapse (though the AoE might need a buff) true the enemy might get a little bit more xp should they happen to die from the effect, but it just makes the ability something you think about before you use.
Manifest Authority: Looks like the average unitless-edited summon infernal skill you find in many maps.
Yes, its mean to be a delayed-heavy nuke which requires a bit of timing practice for maximum effectiveness, really though its meant to be paired with its talent for maximum effectiveness and that's really the only way this spell becomes more than ordinary :twisted: .
Manifest Strength: Selfbuff to chase and kill heroes, no unique effects so there is not much to say about it.
Aye with the drawback of losing health, like the previous ability this one only truly shines when you grab the rather expensive talent.
Manifest Greed: Nice idea, but horrible numbers. Needs larger AoE, int based burn and maybe a slight rework to include both units mana pools to determine the amount burned. Also duration.
Well shoot I totally forgot to put in duration =( thanks for catching that. I'll edit to add it in (20 seconds) Also I wondered about having a stat based manaburn but decided against it because really its an extra step of complexity that I don't feel is needed. Also yea I probbaly need to reword the description to show that both units' manapools are burned and the combined total is transferred back.
Manifest Destiny: Nice idea, maybe give better summons for allied units.
I thought about this but I didn't feel like Yak should have to make anymore units than necessary :twisted: though since this prolly won't get implemented anyway it wouldn't be bad to do.

Thanks again for the comments

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