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Dryad sucks

Posted: March 10th, 2009, 9:32 am
by jamn455
Dryad is one of the best heroes in the game. No remake needed.

Re: Furture Heroes

Posted: March 10th, 2009, 12:12 pm
by Reaper
hands down the number one pick for creeps

Re: Furture Heroes

Posted: March 10th, 2009, 1:11 pm
by DarkNemesis
hands down the number one pick for creeps
Could you please elaborate on this further? I am having a very hard time agreeing with you here. Convince me this hero is truly something special amidst the so many other fine Creep heroes.
Dryad is one of the best heroes in the game. No remake needed.
Yes, but an explanation is definitely needed. Again, why is she so great? Support? Shammy is ten leagues above her. AoE dmg? Scarab has none other. I'm not seeing the connection here.

Re: Furture Heroes

Posted: March 10th, 2009, 4:07 pm
by Poolman756
DarkNemesis wrote:
How about remaking Dryad? Shes kinda horrible, most of the time.

Re: Furture Heroes

Posted: March 10th, 2009, 4:07 pm
by jamn455
O RLY?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

Re: Furture Heroes

Posted: March 10th, 2009, 4:19 pm
by Tehw00tz
DarkNemesis wrote:How about remaking Dryad? Shes kinda horrible, most of the time.

Re: Furture Heroes

Posted: March 10th, 2009, 6:33 pm
by DarkNemesis
Is this for real? Omg. You call me a troll for saying anything Tewhootz. Hilarious. :lol:

Oh btw, you still haven't answered my question...

Re: Furture Heroes

Posted: March 10th, 2009, 7:35 pm
by Tehw00tz
DarkNemesis wrote: Is this for real? Omg. You call me a troll for saying anything Tehw00tz. Hilarious. :lol:
I call you a troll for saying one of the best heroes in game needs a remake

Re: Furture Heroes

Posted: March 10th, 2009, 7:51 pm
by Reaper
Just stop this shit in this here thread


Re: Furture Heroes

Posted: March 11th, 2009, 3:43 pm
by Reaper
DarkNemesis wrote:
hands down the number one pick for creeps
Could you please elaborate on this further? I am having a very hard time agreeing with you here. Convince me this hero is truly something special amidst the so many other fine Creep heroes.
Since you can't grasp why dryad is the best creep hero:

Sentinel - can have sight of important areas such as fountains, one of the best innates
Gale - 1 of 2 aoes which can interrupt channeling and be used to knock enemy heroes into things (including roots)
Roots - Other aoe which is an immobilizer in addition to having excellent DoT, also interrupts, also can be hidden and saved for enemy pushes or whatever
Rejuvination - Instant target heal, or gradual self heal, even better with one point in the talent
Dispell - Has basically no cooldown at high levels, and with a nice dispell effect as well
Mana surge - Isn't the best ult, but gives her insane support against pushes or when pushing bases

Not to mention she is a ranged hero, and requires no equipment to be good

No one else can really compare to her. She isn't afraid of hero killers, can decimate troops, and can pk often enough. No other creep hero has all this and a nice dispell/heal

Re: Furture Heroes

Posted: March 11th, 2009, 5:08 pm
by Dekar
Except that Scarab, Bane and even Gravel can be compared to her. Dispel if really really neccesary can be replaced by items or killing the hero or a friendly hero.

Re: Furture Heroes

Posted: March 11th, 2009, 5:53 pm
by Reaper
you can compare number 1 to numbers 2 3 and 4 but that doesn't make them better

Re: Furture Heroes

Posted: March 11th, 2009, 6:36 pm
by Ion
Playing online might help you understand why she is very good- though calling her "the best" imho is a bit of a long shot considering there's also the AM and Harpy to consider (for different reasons).

Re: Furture Heroes

Posted: March 11th, 2009, 7:33 pm
by DarkNemesis
Since you can't grasp why dryad is the best creep hero:
This isn't neccasary.
Sentinel - can have sight of important areas such as fountains, one of the best innates
Wow, I lol'd alot at this one. You really can't be serious. The following are far superior innates imo:

Celestial Restoration
False Alliance
Remorselessnes? AM's innate.
Raptor Feast
War Club
Dragon Fear
Static Charge

All I can think of right now. Probably more but I'm feeling like shit currently.
Roots - Other aoe which is an immobilizer in addition to having excellent DoT, also interrupts, also can be hidden and saved for enemy pushes or whatever
Roots are easy as shit to kill. And any dumby can dodge them. For the most part. If not, can't you just buy wands? What 60 gold? Don't get me wrong, Roots is a great ability. But claiming its anywhere near the best is totaly insanse. Do you really think enemies are gonna let you plant these by the dozens and sit there and do nothing? You are ambitious, I'll grant you that.
Gale - 1 of 2 aoes which can interrupt channeling and be used to knock enemy heroes into things (including roots)
Oddly enough, you didn't say anything outragous about this ability, so I agree with you. And yes, I suppose you could argue this is one of the best abilities, at least for Drayd.
Rejuvination - Instant target heal, or gradual self heal, even better with one point in the talent
Actually, it's Cure Wounds. I know you'd want me to be correct on that so I returned the favor. :wink:
Not a bad heal, but definitely not the best. Shammy's is far far superior. As well as Close Wounds (Neph) and Rapid Healing. Oh, and don't forget AA's heal, can't remember the name.
Dispell - Has basically no cooldown at high levels, and with a nice dispell effect as well
Most dispells have low or no cooldown at high levels.
Not to mention she is a ranged hero, and requires no equipment to be good
Your first point is pointless, there are alot of ranged heroes, so what? Your second point is just plain wrong. She gobbles mana like crazy, definitely needs and Orb at the very least. If you're referring to the Int modifiers, then you've got a point, they are horrible.

Re: Furture Heroes

Posted: March 11th, 2009, 7:47 pm
by Mills
I agree, buff the Arboreal Crusader.

Furture Heroes

Posted: March 11th, 2009, 8:11 pm
by Perhaps
I'd rate Spider Web as the best innate, you can share it with teammates, pulls down air so you can use ground only moves on them, interrupt, hold, etc.

In Storm Wail, Divine Wizard's portal is really damn nice for moving as a team.

Re: Furture Heroes

Posted: March 11th, 2009, 9:34 pm
by DarnYak
ToXiK wrote:I agree, buff the Arboreal Crusader.
Can't argue with this post.


Re: Furture Heroes

Posted: March 11th, 2009, 9:45 pm
by DarkNemesis
I agree, buff the Arboreal Crusader.
But shes so good :D

Re: Furture Heroes

Posted: March 12th, 2009, 7:00 am
by Reaper
Maybe someday if you play an inter clan eota game you'll understand

until then

Also good job comparing her to non creep heroes, I like that. But yes create web is actually my favorite innate ability across all the heroes. Remorselessness is shitty. Raptor feast is only decent because ranged aa's air units.

The point wasn't that her aoe's are the best, but that she has 2 exteremely useful ones. If the enemy team wants to waste their money on wands to detect every one, let them. If you are any good with this hero 95% of your roots will go off, if not 100.

Again, you missed the overall point. Her heal isn't the best on creeps, but she has 2 aoes and dispell.

I'm done discussing this topic now.

Re: Furture Heroes

Posted: March 12th, 2009, 7:27 am
by DarkNemesis
If the enemy team wants to waste their money on wands to detect every one, let them.
You mean 60 gold?
If you are any good with this hero 95% of your roots will go off, if not 100.
Highly unlikely.

but she has 2 aoes and dispell.
So does the Wizard. And all three of his are better.
Maybe someday if you play an inter clan eota game you'll understand
Ok honestly, I'm getting tired of hearing this. Stop. Also, I probably play five times the Eota games you do, LANs, ya know. So don't preach that inhouse shit to me.

The point wasn't that her aoe's are the best, but that she has 2 exteremely useful ones.
Again, the Wizard does as well. So what? Her's aren't anything terribly special. Gale's dmg is so hilarious it's not funny.
I'm done discussing this topic now.
Well considering Yak has noted she needs a buff, you should be. I'm done as well, as your arguments are erroneous and weak.

Re: Furture Heroes

Posted: March 12th, 2009, 7:37 am
by jamn455
Wow your ignorance is top notch.

The one thing that the dryad has that the dw lacks is that gale both damages buildings and interrupts channeling abilities.

Re: Dryad sucks

Posted: March 12th, 2009, 8:32 am
by DarnYak
Well considering Yak has noted she needs a buff, you should be. I'm done as well, as your arguments are erroneous and weak.
That was a sarcastic reply to tox posting, nothing more.
Maybe someday if you play an inter clan eota game you'll understand
Ok honestly, I'm getting tired of hearing this. Stop. Also, I probably play five times the Eota games you do, LANs, ya know. So don't preach that inhouse shit to me.
Have you considered that people on bnet might be more experieneced/better then your lan players? Likewise, your lan players could be better. Or you all have completley different styles of playing that somehow comes up with completely different balance issues. Eitherway, we obviously can't join your lans, so the only way to know is if you come on bnet and show us.

My general assumption is that we have better players on bnet, just because there's more of them. And they're more experienced in general.


Re: Dryad sucks

Posted: March 12th, 2009, 8:36 am
by Mills
DarnYak wrote:
Well considering Yak has noted she needs a buff, you should be. I'm done as well, as your arguments are erroneous and weak.
That was a sarcastic reply to tox posting, nothing more.
I really thought she needed a buff though, probably the worst hero in the game next to DW.

Re: Dryad sucks

Posted: March 12th, 2009, 8:39 am
by jamn455
Dryad is the best tackler since Joe Montana.

Re: Dryad sucks

Posted: March 12th, 2009, 9:47 am
by DarnYak
I will say I would like to replace her dispels (along with all other dispels in the game), as well as her ult though. Dispel replacement would be something akin to forlorn crown, although not necessarily aura granting. Ult I have no ideas currenty.

Gale, Tangleweed, and Cure Wounds aren't going anywhere (aside from minor tweaks, if any)
