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Stimulus Plan

Posted: February 4th, 2009, 5:56 pm
by DarkNemesis
Just curious, does anyone else think Obama's 819 Billion "Stimulus Package" is a total monstrosity of pork-barrel spending?

Re: Stimulus Plan

Posted: February 4th, 2009, 6:59 pm
by CryptLord1234
As compared to Bush's pork barrel spending? It's kinda a fact of life in American life, pork barrel spending.

Re: Stimulus Plan

Posted: February 4th, 2009, 7:40 pm
by Reaper
And what would you suggest DarkNemesis?

Give Obama a chance to put some of his policies in action before bashing him. Bush didn't really do a bangup job in the spending area.

Re: Stimulus Plan

Posted: February 4th, 2009, 8:07 pm
by DarkNemesis
Obama got his chance when he said he was going to work with Republicans on the package. Now that he completely threw all that out the window, and as the result, got 0 support from Republicans, I'd say his chance has expired.

My suggestions:

Increase tax breaks, particularly for small businesses. Since small business make up 80% of the jobs in this country, wouldn't that seem logical? To give them an incentive to hire again?

Cut out most of the spending. OK this is the part I don't get. Obama bitching about Bush and his 300billion deficit, yet he wants to increase that to over a trillion? Also, if your already in the hole, how the hell is spending more going to help?

Obama needs to give Americans a reason to spend money again. The best way to do that is to put money directly into their pockets. The best way to do that is to lower taxes, lower taxes, lower taxes.

Also, when top economic advisers are opposed to the package, and who actually studied this stuff for years rather than serving as a community organizer, you know something is wrong. But then again, the Left seems to be more concerned as to where you went to College rather than if you've got actual experience. Obama doesn't.

Re: Stimulus Plan

Posted: February 4th, 2009, 11:13 pm
by Tehw00tz
Once you get into the White House we can see if those suggestions would work.

Re: Stimulus Plan

Posted: February 4th, 2009, 11:45 pm
by Kibiyama
Every politician wants to give out free money. Your argument is invalid.

Re: Stimulus Plan

Posted: February 5th, 2009, 12:01 am
by DarkNemesis
Kibiyama wrote:Every politician wants to give out free money. Your argument is invalid.
My arguement was never about free money.

Re: Stimulus Plan

Posted: February 5th, 2009, 12:09 am
by Sparda963
Bush does this and he gets praised for it, obama does it and hes a socialist bastard for spending money the government doesn't have. Double Standard?

Re: Stimulus Plan

Posted: February 5th, 2009, 12:13 am
by CryptLord1234
Of course! Anyone politically active has very. . .mh. . .flexible ideals.

Re: Stimulus Plan

Posted: February 5th, 2009, 12:34 am
by jamn455
Well, we could always look at the "tax break" that is given to people who bought a house this year.

Re: Stimulus Plan

Posted: February 5th, 2009, 1:04 am
by DarkNemesis
Sparda963 wrote:Bush does this and he gets praised for it, obama does it and hes a socialist bastard for spending money the government doesn't have. Double Standard?


Bush gets flamed by the Left media while Obama gets nothing but praise. You've got your ideas mixed up. And yes, and double standard, on your part.

Re: Stimulus Plan

Posted: February 5th, 2009, 11:31 am
by CryptLord1234
Yes, Dark, he would be praised by the LEFT media. Similarly, Bush would receive praise from conservative media. So? People support others with similar ideals. Your point is. . .what, again?

Re: Stimulus Plan

Posted: February 5th, 2009, 11:55 am
by DarnYak
I dont think anyone except those getting pork from the stimulus actually likes it. Even a lot of liberals are beating up on the thing. Even Obama himself has expressed that he's dissapointed in it (yet he insists on going foward anyway...if we're spending this giant amount of money, shouldn't youre expectations be a bit higher before spending it?).


Re: Stimulus Plan

Posted: February 5th, 2009, 1:13 pm
by DarkNemesis
CryptLord1234 wrote:Yes, Dark, he would be praised by the LEFT media. Similarly, Bush would receive praise from conservative media. So? People support others with similar ideals. Your point is. . .what, again?
My point is that the media is by in large Left-leaning. The 2008 campaign is a good example of this with all the crap Palin got from Liberals. While they shrugged off Rev. Wright as if it weren't anything. A man who is friends with a terrorist and claims he didn't know his own pastor was saying 'Anti-American' remarks, yet has his two kids baptized as well as is married by that Rev, then names a book in honor of him is either a total dumbass or a lying bastard. Obama is a very intelligent man, and very smooth with people. It would seem to me, then, that those things should and would raise concerns about how honest our president is.

Re: Stimulus Plan

Posted: February 5th, 2009, 2:10 pm
by Discombobulator
How could he possibly be honest? He's black.

Re: Stimulus Plan

Posted: February 5th, 2009, 5:58 pm
by jamn455
Well, Palin got a lot of shit during the 2008 campaign because she is a moron.

Re: Stimulus Plan

Posted: February 5th, 2009, 6:54 pm
by CryptLord1234
Just when anti-intellectualism couldn't get worse. . .It seems like your suspicions arise from the fact that he IS liberal.

Dark, say you're friends with someone who's a drug dealer; ergo, you're a bad person? You may not even know about it, yet it still makes you a bad person? WTF is that? You're basically pasting that on Obama. As for Rev. Wright, I think Obama knew that he was saying stuff, but didn't have the guts to come out and say, "What the guy was doing was wrong. I wasn't aware of this; my bad." Kinda bad, but it takes a lot of courage to admit you were wrong. It would ALSO come across as the wrong thing, that the Presidential candidate WASN'T omnipresent. God forbid he makes a mistake, amirite?

". . .Is either a total dumbass or a lying bastard." Back to my previous example: You didn't know your drug dealer friend was a drug dealer. You're either a total dumbass or a lying bastard.

As for your last two sentences, he's an intelligent man. Okay, why do we have to be innately suspicious of that? Because he knows things? You just have to do your own research, but that is true regardless of who the President is. Wait, do your own research!? OMFG NO WAI!

Re: Stimulus Plan

Posted: February 23rd, 2009, 8:38 pm
by Ion
Obama got his chance when he said he was going to work with Republicans on the package. Now that he completely threw all that out the window, and as the result, got 0 support from Republicans, I'd say his chance has expired.

My suggestions:

Increase tax breaks, particularly for small businesses. Since small business make up 80% of the jobs in this country, wouldn't that seem logical? To give them an incentive to hire again?

Cut out most of the spending. OK this is the part I don't get. Obama bitching about Bush and his 300billion deficit, yet he wants to increase that to over a trillion? Also, if your already in the hole, how the hell is spending more going to help?

Obama needs to give Americans a reason to spend money again. The best way to do that is to put money directly into their pockets. The best way to do that is to lower taxes, lower taxes, lower taxes.

Also, when top economic advisers are opposed to the package, and who actually studied this stuff for years rather than serving as a community organizer, you know something is wrong. But then again, the Left seems to be more concerned as to where you went to College rather than if you've got actual experience. Obama doesn't.
You pretty much have the best idea of anything ever that could've possibly gone on at any point. I pretty much am sitting here wondering how you didn't get to be the next President, you should run you'd probably win. You could teach an economics class for money, fuck I just jizzed in MY PANTS THIS SHIT IS INCREDIBLE.

Re: Stimulus Plan

Posted: February 23rd, 2009, 10:28 pm
by DarkNemesis
Ion wrote:bump.
Obama got his chance when he said he was going to work with Republicans on the package. Now that he completely threw all that out the window, and as the result, got 0 support from Republicans, I'd say his chance has expired.

My suggestions:

Increase tax breaks, particularly for small businesses. Since small business make up 80% of the jobs in this country, wouldn't that seem logical? To give them an incentive to hire again?

Cut out most of the spending. OK this is the part I don't get. Obama bitching about Bush and his 300billion deficit, yet he wants to increase that to over a trillion? Also, if your already in the hole, how the hell is spending more going to help?

Obama needs to give Americans a reason to spend money again. The best way to do that is to put money directly into their pockets. The best way to do that is to lower taxes, lower taxes, lower taxes.

Also, when top economic advisers are opposed to the package, and who actually studied this stuff for years rather than serving as a community organizer, you know something is wrong. But then again, the Left seems to be more concerned as to where you went to College rather than if you've got actual experience. Obama doesn't.
You pretty much have the best idea of anything ever that could've possibly gone on at any point. I pretty much am sitting here wondering how you didn't get to be the next President, you should run you'd probably win. You could teach an economics class for money, fuck I just jizzed in MY PANTS THIS SHIT IS INCREDIBLE.
The only one that needs an economics class is Obama (and possibly you). Please tell me how spending more money and more government intervention in a recession is going to make things better. Since you and every other Obama-supporter have dodged the question, I am starting to wonder if you guys can answer it at all. :|

Re: Stimulus Plan

Posted: February 23rd, 2009, 11:12 pm
by Ion
The only one that needs an economics class is Obama (and possibly you). Please tell me how spending more money and more government intervention in a recession is going to make things better. Since you and every other Obama-supporter have dodged the question, I am starting to wonder if you guys can answer it at all.
I don't know where you get the idea I'm being sarcastic. I pretty much don't have a clue why you're not in Washington right now disseminating these jizztastic ideas. People could use a politician like you, there just aren't enough good ones around. I'd vote for you to be President, better then this stupid Obama who doesn't know anything he's doing. Can't even hold a commerce minister! Please, I bet he can't hold a wife either. Prolly has like 5 he's a moselum tourist or w/e the fuck the Left calls it now.

The best part is not citing statistics. I hate citations, they make me feel less safe about my ideaas. It's like GAWD DO yOU NEED A FuCKinG TRANSCRIPT FOR EVERYTHING I SAY ABOUT THIS COUNTRY. Shit. Can't even talk about stuff with the Left needing proof for everything. PROOF IS THERE JUST LOOK morons.

FUCK SOCIALISM. Spread Dark's truthy word. My economics lessons are right here btw, learning from the best! : D

Re: Stimulus Plan

Posted: February 23rd, 2009, 11:20 pm
by jamn455
Some people haven't heard of the adage "You have to spend money, to make money".

If you wanna see my transcript for high school and college, I can scan it and show you that I got an A in Economics and American Government in high school, and that I have gotten an A in Economics I and have an A in Economics II.

Trust me, I know what I am talking about most of the time.

Re: Stimulus Plan

Posted: February 23rd, 2009, 11:26 pm
by Ion
Some people haven't heard of the adage "You have to spend money, to make money".

If you wanna see my transcript for high school and college, I can scan it and show you that I got an A in Economics and American Government in high school, and that I have gotten an A in Economics I and have an A in Economics II.

Trust me, I know what I am talking about.
Sounds like LEFTIST PROPAGANDA to me Jamn. I've seen no proof that spending money works. Look at Communism. It had no money AND IS COMPLETLY DEAD NO ONE LIKES THEM ANYMORE.

And school isn't the same as the real world right Dark!!!! All Obama supporters refuse to admit that the spending plan is stupid and never answer any questions, not one of the many millions of them!!! Pretty much says they have no clue what they're doing, manipulated the elections and are gonna ruin America's greatness. They already let go one terrorist, how many more are they gonna release from git-funmo! MAKES YOU WONDER WHAT RELIGION OBAMA REALLY BELIEVES IN.

Re: Stimulus Plan

Posted: February 23rd, 2009, 11:29 pm
by jamn455
He will probably bomb Canada next... They cannot be helping the United States' economy.

Re: Stimulus Plan

Posted: February 23rd, 2009, 11:31 pm
by Ion
ya cause canada is full of socialists look at their economy it practically sucks balls and is a frozen wasteland -30 everywhere who gives a fuck if they do pretty much snow*, igloos and eskimos anyway. warm the place up plz


Re: Stimulus Plan

Posted: February 24th, 2009, 8:41 am
by Storamin
What else do you propose the government do then? Just let the economy try to fix itself? Good luck on that one...

There's only 2 ways the government can stimulate the economy.

Monetary and Fiscal policy.

If you remember, GDP = consumption + gross investment + government spending + (exports − imports)

With both consumption & gross investment down, government spending can be upped to increase GDP. This is known as "Fiscal" policy.

The fed is already extremely busy with their monetary policy. Hell, you can borrow money at a 0% interest rate... and somehow they now have nationalized all of our banks. Not that I'm really complaining, a lot of my former classmates got that money :roll: