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Re: Serious this time?

Posted: June 18th, 2009, 3:20 pm
by DarnYak
Because the US doesn't have the right to inspect another nation's ship in international waters.
My point isn't that we don't have the right, its that an international resolution, who's goal is to both punish NK for its action and prevent proliferation, does nothing. So we have to ask NK first before we board there ships - isn't that the normal standard anyway?


Re: Serious this time?

Posted: June 23rd, 2009, 1:29 am
by DarkNemesis
Because the US doesn't have the right to inspect another nation's ship in international waters.
Wrong. We do have the right. They have specifically addressed the U.S. in this mess, and threatened action against us. We have every right then to defend ourselves by checking the ships. And why the hell are you defending a country that is riddled with corruption and a total threat to personal freedom?
You are, after all, the world's #1 aggressor nation.
Garbage. Take your anti-american bullshit someowhere else.
How would you feel if someone forcibly inspected your ships?
:lol: :cry: :cry: :cry:

Re: Serious this time?

Posted: June 23rd, 2009, 1:36 am
by Reaper
You are so brainwashed

Re: Serious this time?

Posted: June 23rd, 2009, 1:39 am
by Discombobulator
DarkNemesis wrote:
Because the US doesn't have the right to inspect another nation's ship in international waters.
Wrong. We do have the right. They have specifically addressed the U.S. in this mess, and threatened action against us. We have every right then to defend ourselves by checking the ships. And why the hell are you defending a country that is riddled with corruption and a total threat to personal freedom?

Oh and by the way, anti-american is a compliment, not an insult.

Re: Serious this time?

Posted: June 23rd, 2009, 12:57 pm
by DarkNemesis
You are so brainwashed
Funny, you actually use the word as if you know what it really means.

And please tell me which part of what I said is so radical and why I'm so brainwashed. I'd love to hear your pro-korea, anti-american argument.

Re: Serious this time?

Posted: June 23rd, 2009, 1:43 pm
by Discombobulator
Koreans are good people, Americans are not.

Re: Serious this time?

Posted: June 23rd, 2009, 1:55 pm
by Tehw00tz
Man, I've been watching this Korean Starcraft tournament, them fuckers got the macro and micro down.

Re: Serious this time?

Posted: June 23rd, 2009, 3:23 pm
by DarkNemesis
Discombobulator wrote:Koreans are good people, Americans are not.
I'm not necessarily saying the people of North Korea are good or bad. However, if I were to make an assumption, I'd probably say for the most part they are decent people under the tyranny of a madman.

Oh, and please explain to me how Americans are not good people. I'd love a chance to flame your anti-american trash talk.

Re: Serious this time?

Posted: June 23rd, 2009, 3:29 pm
by Luftwaffles
Well for one thing, you'd be hard pressed to find an overweight person outside the ruling clique in North Korea (about maybe 900 people at most, 0.0000375% of the population) whereas in America the majority of the population in every state has a BMI over 25.


Re: Serious this time?

Posted: June 23rd, 2009, 3:30 pm
by DarkNemesis
Uhm, how does this make Americans bad?

And too, if my country was so poor it required aid from other counties just to feed its citizens, of course we would be thin.

Re: Serious this time?

Posted: June 23rd, 2009, 3:41 pm
by Dekar
Koreas government doesnt produce false intelligent reports on world peace threatening weapons in other countrys just to get their oil through war.

Re: Serious this time?

Posted: June 23rd, 2009, 6:27 pm
by Tehw00tz
Luftwaffles wrote: BMI over 25.
lol you think the BMI means something.

Re: Serious this time?

Posted: June 23rd, 2009, 7:24 pm
by Perhaps
Dekar wrote:Koreas government doesnt produce false intelligent reports on world peace threatening weapons in other countrys just to get their oil through war.
However, relevant to tehw00tz's comment, they do produce false APM stats by senselessly spamming rally point all the time.

Re: Serious this time?

Posted: June 24th, 2009, 12:48 am
by Discombobulator
America has the most prisons and the most prisoners.

Because they're bad people and criminals.

Re: Serious this time?

Posted: June 24th, 2009, 2:24 am
by Dekar
They are responsible for the genocide of native americans.

They are the only country in the world which used large scale nukes and used them on areas with the highest population density in the world and didnt care about long term effects of this.

Re: Serious this time?

Posted: June 24th, 2009, 2:42 am
by Darkblade
Dekar wrote:They are responsible for the genocide of native americans.
Yep, just like you're responsible for every little thing in Germany's past.
They are the only country in the world which used large scale nukes and used them on areas with the highest population density in the world and didnt care about long term effects of this.
You lost me there Sparky.

Re: Serious this time?

Posted: June 24th, 2009, 4:48 am
by Luftwaffles
Koreas government doesnt produce false intelligent reports on world peace threatening weapons in other countrys just to get their oil through war.
No but they'll produce fake reports about anything else. They're a shitty regime and I hope they implode.
lol you think the BMI means something.
It does, and it's a great way of telling if people are obese.
You lost me there Sparky.
You're the only country in the world to actually drop a nuke on another country.

North Korea actually blows really hard, it's just awesome also ragging on the US.

Re: Serious this time?

Posted: June 24th, 2009, 4:54 am
by Discombobulator
Darkblade wrote:
Dekar wrote:They are responsible for the genocide of native americans.
Yep, just like you're responsible for every little thing in Germany's past.
He is. And he should be proud of it.

Re: Serious this time?

Posted: June 24th, 2009, 8:47 am
by DarkNemesis
They are responsible for the genocide of native americans.
Nope, never happened. There was never a missive issued by the U.S. government to qoute "eradicate" the native americans (for further proof of this, I recommend you read the 10 big lies about America, by Michael Medved. It's big lie # 1). Oh, and if your gonna pull the smallpox crap on me, forget it. It was briefly disscussed by Amherst and Bouquet during the seige lead by Pontiac, who ironically, used the word eradicate, not the settlers. Nice try trying to slander the U.S. but you need to get the real facts, Dekar, not the far-Leftist, anti-american BS that floats around.
They are the only country in the world which used large scale nukes and used them on areas with the highest population density in the world and didnt care about long term effects of this.
What the hell do they teach you over there? Seriously. This was NOT an easy choice to make, you act as though we readily agreed to blow Japan to hell. And actaully, the bomb was meant for your country at first, the only problem was that the Nazis surrendered before we adequately tested it.
America has the most prisons and the most prisoners.

Because they're bad people and criminals.
Actually here, we know how to deal with "bad" people, and don't give them cookies and a slap on the hand, warning them not to do it again.

Re: Serious this time?

Posted: June 24th, 2009, 9:13 am
by Discombobulator
Medved's a filthy Jew, so everything he says is obviously a lie. Or maybe he isn't lying? Maybe the Native Americans are still as numerous as ever, using their 1337 skills to hide from the White Man? Maybe the Congress didn't pass a bill that explicitly said "Exterminate the Indians", but you're not seriously denying the whole Manifest Destiny era, are you?

And you have the most prisons because you have the most bad people. If bad people are a problem somwhere, they usually get sent into prison. 715 of 100.000 Americans are in prison. Compare that to 60* out of 100.000 Serbians. That's not because we cheer to rapists and murderers, but because things like that don't happen here. You can walk through any Serbian city at any time of day or night and absolutely nothing will happen to you. Compare that to the advice some of my friends got: They travelled to LA (among other places on the West Coast) a couple of months ago, and were told to carry a spare wallet with some cash which they could give in case someone assaults them. And that's from the travel agency - the same place that actually only says the overexaggerated positive stuff.

* Actual data unavailable, used data from other Ex-Yugoslavian republics. Not including Kosovo, which is a separate country anyway.

Re: Serious this time?

Posted: June 24th, 2009, 9:46 am
by DarkNemesis
Medved's a filthy Jew, so everything he says is obviously a lie.
This is so stupid.

And disease killed a vast majority of the indians, Discombabulator, not the U.S. Government. And please stop with the anti-semitic remarks. I'm pretty sure they are allowed on the forums.

Re: Serious this time?

Posted: June 24th, 2009, 10:34 am
by Discombobulator
I consider my point that Americans are bad people proven, as you haven't refuted my prisoners per capita argument.

Re: Serious this time?

Posted: June 24th, 2009, 10:56 am
by DarkNemesis
First of all, I pretty sure your arguement is a bunch of BS. Second, even if it were true, you're massing the normal citizen into the criminal realm. Less than decent or justified for that matter.

And I'm sure your utpotian serbia is heaven on earth, now isn't it? Are you even allowed to buy a gun? Or is that banned like it is in Dekar's wonderful country. Granted, we are becoming less and less free with Obama making all these horrible choices. But we still are the country with the most personal freedom.

Re: Serious this time?

Posted: June 24th, 2009, 11:13 am
by Discombobulator
DarkNemesis wrote:First of all, I pretty sure your arguement is a bunch of BS. Second, even if it were true, you're massing the normal citizen into the criminal realm. Less than decent or justified for that matter.

And I'm sure your utpotian serbia is heaven on earth, now isn't it? Are you even allowed to buy a gun? Or is that banned like it is in Dekar's wonderful country. Granted, we are becoming less and less free with Obama making all these horrible choices. But we still are the country with the most personal freedom.
Yes. And it's utopian, not utpotian. We're not exactly utopian, but on some very important points we're better than the US. I formed most of my opinion on the US first hand.You should come over here and form your own opinion of my country. My city's having a music festival in like two weeks.

And your argument is... that you don't believe me? In fact, I don't understand any of your first paragraph.

Re: Serious this time?

Posted: June 24th, 2009, 11:56 am
by Reaper
DarkNemesis wrote:
You are so brainwashed
Funny, you actually use the word as if you know what it really means.

And please tell me which part of what I said is so radical and why I'm so brainwashed. I'd love to hear your pro-korea, anti-american argument.
If you seriously think america is the best country ever you are brainwashed. Fact. Try leaving your dumb square state and traveling to europe. While we waste billions on oil, they are using excellent public transportation.

Yes we are the most powerful. That does not equate to being a good country. You can try to justify dropping nukes and killing native americans but the fact remains that america chose to do those things.

Now, I'm sure you did a great job in your high school government class -- I bet your parents are proud of that C you got. The only things you lack now are any understanding of debate and not sounding like an ignorant shut-in.