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Re: Soul Binder RIGGED!

Posted: August 18th, 2007, 9:08 pm
by FutatsuNoOmoi
UEatUrOwnFarts wrote:This is probably the last reply I'm making here, so do whatever you want. All the responses I get are from storamin, or people who wanted my head before I even came here. Enjoy thinking everything is perfect in EotA, it doesn't matter to me. HoSK, and Enmity get more attention than this ever will, because whenever an idea is submitted, that person gets flamed.
  I would probably be the first o say it needs lots of work, however I would probably be the last to say Soul Binder is underpowered.

  But let's look at your background so far, you say the hero is bad because its moves are int for damage? Well buddy, more int means more mana, means more cast, means more damage. Also to state it has a problem with killing range? Have you ever considered moving behind the back row, and push range into a cluster with melee then nuking them in a whole? Using an experience basis simply on how random players don't use it? It's only natural that there will be heros harder than other to learn, but because they're harder to learn doesn't make them any less. If that's the case, I guess Sniper Rifles in FPS games suck. ^_^ .v

  Okay, enough background... Having done the Soul Binder myself plenty of times, I can easily tell you it is not a garbage class, in fact when done right functions as an endless pushing, tank, army nuking, hero killing class. Incinerate is a very very powerful move. Incinerate knocks back units, during knock back units/heros can't do anything, functioning as a short stun for heros and army. As stated above the Soul Binder doesn't have problems with range, it can also knock heros out of their channeling abilities, it can also be used to nail off heros by getting behind them, and holding them from being able to flee back to their base into an innevitable death. Not going into full details, the Soul Binder can get an endless mana flow, and next to endless health with usage of mend. With the ability to nuke.

  If you do not believe me, I'm sure that me or Toxik, could give you a fair demonstration, of the true power of the Soul Binder. But now, you wouldn't want to go and do that, you would prove yourself wrong, and you would look just plain silly now, wouldn't you? But then again, you would look silly if you didn't take it up. I guess it's a lose/lose sitation, which loss do you care to choose?

Re: Soul Binder RIGGED!

Posted: August 19th, 2007, 9:09 am
by Hammel
Didnt he say he's gone?

Anyway... there is reasons I started a nerf-SB thread on the old forums... mainly because of incinerate. It is spammable, disrupts movement and deals more damage with each cast... perfect for killing tanks, ESPECIALLY Gravel... Gravel wouldnt ever win against a skilled SB (imo)... apart from being perfect to kill whole waves of spawnies. Mend and your armor let you last long enough to take out endgame armies with no problems.

Btw, AA also got int-only spells... anyone saying she's weak? I dont think so... (int isnt her primary attribute, either)... same for TC... a skilled TC = a pain... but since you (ueatyourownfarts) hardly play against skilled people... well, you're gone... just this: SB, TC and most others heroes are balanced fine...