EotA: Twilight 1.14g3 Download

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EotA: Twilight 1.14g3 Download

#1 Post by DarnYak »

Partial fixes, needs more testing with debug stuff to actually fix.

(2.12 MiB) Downloaded 567 times

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Re: EotA: Twilight 1.14g3 Download

#2 Post by watermelon »

Last Edited: 9/20/13
For more esoteric symbol fun, let's say # means it's most likely fixed while % means it probably isn't. Untouched means I haven't tested enough yet.
Version checked against 1.14g6.

Reminders to self:
  • Eido stump
  • Missiles flying to left side
Added the bugs from the earlier posts in the thread to this post so everything is in one place.
I'll probably just use this post as my main bug thing, though I'll bump the forums if I find anything pressing.

  • @Ki Blitz missiles sometimes fly somewhere else instead of their destination (could be due to targeting a unit that's dead before it reaches it). On Kedge, it goes to the left and gets stuck.
  • #@If Storm's ult kills a unit with one strike, the purge graphic remains.
  • ?Transmutation Shrine is as buggy as before.
  • #@Geyser can't target bridges but it can be used on bridges if it targets a unit.
  • #@On VF's left lane, creeps from blue seem to arrive much earlier than the right lane. This always causes a disadvantage on red's side for that lane while nothing like that happens for the right lane.
  • ?Chili Breath can fail to cast the breath even though debug states that pulses should be occuring.
  • Betrayal can fail to place a buff on heroes with full health (I'm guessing because of base ability).
  • Are allied heroes supposed to get crystal from killing allies under the effects of Betrayal?
  • ?Eido can crash Kedge with stumps.
-s Stuff
  • #@There's no -s for Maelstrom's max damage.
  • #@No -s for bonus damage given from Empower.
  • ?Just for clarification: sometimes in the midst of sieging, the AI looks like it's not doing anything by evaluating "Lane" and having an empty Action list. This generally results in them dying while they just seem to auto attack.
  • AI heroes can revive in the middle of their main base rather than the normal spot.
  • When placing bottom ob on Stormwail, the AI prioritizes shopping and then forgets to place the Ob.
  • #?Blue AI in Kedge can move too early in their lane. If they go on the right lane, this usually results in an early death.
  • Nerf AI TC forks.
  • In Draft, one of the AI wasn't chosen and it randomed DS which the AI normally doesn't get.
  • #?Aero and Storm seem to cast their nukes against units now but they're relatively rare. (might be because of the minimum being 10) With debug, they generally cast the nuke with something like "pick line nuke best = #[some number] 0 targets."
  • Storm sometimes does nothing for a while and debug looks like she's trying to cast a spell but nothing visible is seen. Oracle does this too sometimes.
  • #@Storm doesn't use all of her strikes when using her ult.
  • Make Aero use new Maelstrom.
  • Defiler seems to keep canceling his heal and even teleportation scroll. He doesn't seem to interrupt Blight though.
  • %@Tyrant has casting trouble when trying to run away, probably trying to cast the ice trap.
  • %@Inf can have trouble laying mines as she keeps repeating the casting animation for it.
  • Lich spell AI.
  • Fix the broken Font hero AI.
  • Will you make Fire Panda cast his line nuke against creeps? A better spell build for him might be focusing on Inferno rather than shield. Having one point in the shield and dash is a good idea.
Inconsistencies can still occur when AI heroes seem to forget how to cast a certain spell. Ex: Bane casting Impale.

  • AI Storm can cast her innate.
  • Tear doesn't seem to interrupt anymore.

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Re: EotA: Twilight 1.14g3 Download

#3 Post by Scheba »

Watermelon isn't the only one who has been busy :). These are my findings:
  • -observe command doesn't work correctly with draft mode:
    if I turn myself into an observer to pit two AI teams against each other, the bots take over draft choices only after the timer for the current draft round reaches 0, but the draft process gets stuck completely if it reaches another ban round (can only happen in all pick mode) because they don't choose a hero to ban but a new timer isn't started either so the ban round isn't skipped after a minute
  • -observe command (even without draft mode) gives the blue team an extrahero: the hero belongs to the blue army player (as if added with the -extrahero 2 command)
  • sometimes mini harpies swoop against the border of the map (possibly because their target died before they reached it, like with Ki Blitz?), their direction probably pointing towards 0,0
  • is it just me or does high level Expunge cause massive frame rate drops (down to 5 fps or so :shock: )?
  • AI Reek sometimes makes his exploding zombies appear in a different lane than the one he is in, vastly exceeding cast range
  • >Ai sometimes cancels command towers under construction even when they aren't in range of a defense generator, then tries to rebuild it in the same spot and repeats the process
  • mini gargoyles around the main building can make respawning AI heroes get stuck inside the building
  • $is Lich the only ranged hero with 500 range instead of 600?
  • does Gloomreap Mire always crash if there are too many bots in it? I'll run some more test games, but I haven't been able to finish even one of my AI vs AI games on it so far (I wanted to see if they can summon the artifact, I already tested that they try to capture it if a human player summons it)
  • %@requiem incinerate tooltip: debuff duration seems erratic, going from 8 to 20 to 24 and then stopping or something like that; I think the actual debuff duration is always 8 seconds for all skill levels?
    (Basically the spell tooltip says 8 seconds for Level 1, but then 20 seconds for Level 2 and 24 seconds for Level 3+.-watermelon)
  • >Mana Storm doesn't have an AoE targeting cursor; does the radius depend on an attribute or is there another reason for that? Base spell would need replacing

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Re: EotA: Twilight 1.14g3 Download

#4 Post by DarnYak »

•Just for clarification: sometimes in the midst of sieging, the AI looks like it's not doing anything by evaluating "Lane" and having an empty Action list.
I had to watch this myself to try and figure out what's going on. Not 100% sure I got it, but did it look something like this? (AI seemed fine here):
Debug - AI Siege.jpg
If not, I think I need an actual screenshot of the debug output to see exactly what's going on.


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Re: EotA: Twilight 1.14g3 Download

#5 Post by watermelon »

I should have been more clear. By not doing anything, I mean it doesn't cast spells or try to retreat until it becomes pretty dangerous. This mostly causes them to suicide while sieging.
This picture was taken shortly before Eido died.

AI Inf can have trouble laying mines as she keeps repeating the casting animation for it.

You can send units outside of candle with impale:

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Re: EotA: Twilight 1.14g3 Download

#6 Post by watermelon »

Scheba wrote: is Lich the only ranged hero with 500 range instead of 600?
Yeah for reasons that Yak forgot.

Tooltip Errors
  • %@Plate Helm +5 doesn't have a colored description for Heroism and Knowledge in its tooltip.
Hero Balance Comments
  • Bane - Has a lot of crowd control with the most threatening being Impale. I think adjustments could be made to the innate and Impale for their stun duration.
  • IS - He has a large amount of damage output though he can be somewhat useless if dispels are used.
    Innate seems pretty strong with its versatile effects. The cooldown feels a bit low which allows IS to make a neverending supply of webs.
Item Comments
  • Felskin Gloves - Can't compare with Evoc Gloves which is a less of a headache to use.
  • Helm of Champions [Heroism] - Situational and hard to use. The best use you can get from this is getting completely surrounded which isn't too favorable. It would probably benefit Whirl FM greatly but he's generally better off with Circlet teleport abusing. Might be more useful if it gained extra Agi from an enemy hero.
  • Dragonscale Mask [Leadership] - The chance is low and I can't see much benefit from having a creep run away from you.
  • Executioner's Hood [Leadership] - Generally by the time you get this, you probably have a hero that can start killing normal spawns in 3 hits. Having to rely on luck for this is not that great.
  • Circlet Teleport - Still pretty easy to abuse. I think the duration of staying at the new point could be lowered.
  • Plate Helm [Knowledge] - Very iffy to use and the effect would really only be noticeable on heroes. However, socketing Gem of Heroism greatly overshadows this with a much more consistent effect.
  • Executioner's Hood [Knowledge] - Garbage.

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Re: EotA: Twilight 1.14g3 Download

#7 Post by Scheba »

Things about Bane:
  • #@Storm of Malice tooltip says nothing about its duration
  • >Acid Pool talent tooltip says nothing about its duration Duration is dependent on skill level
  • #@-s doesn't show values for Charge barrier damage and aura duration
  • #@-s applies evocation damage bonus to Acid Sheath although the skill tooltip doesn't classify it as an evocation (I'm not sure whether the actual damage receives the evocation bonus or not)

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Re: EotA: Twilight 1.14g3 Download

#8 Post by watermelon »

Would be nice if you added a mode that made computer kills give regular bounty.
In Draft, one of the AI wasn't chosen and it randomed DS which the AI normally doesn't get.

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Re: EotA: Twilight 1.14g3 Download

#9 Post by watermelon »

I got Chili Breath to be broken even though debug indicated that pulses should have occurred. I was on UD vs Fel Horde as Player 7.
I think Eido can still crash Kedge with stumps.

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Re: EotA: Twilight 1.14g3 Download

#10 Post by watermelon »

I think the reason why Betrayal seems to fail sometimes is when I use it against heroes with full health. The buff seems to get instantly removed as the AI sometimes react to attack heroes even though the buff isn't on them. I'm guessing this is because Betrayal is based off on Rejuvenation.
Killing allies under the effects of Betrayal also gives crystal which seems to be a pretty good deal (though the killed won't get any).

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Re: EotA: Twilight 1.14g3 Download

#11 Post by Scheba »

I'm currently going through lists of old things that maybe haven't been fixed yet and testing them again (and finding some new things in the process). This is what I have found so far:

  • >Twister can transform golems although they are spell immune Fine with me.
  • >Scintillate and Mana Rush overwrite each other
  • >Neutralize and Promote can be used while ethereal although they are physical Neither are direct attacks
  • ?Brainlust gives skill level 1 healing amount (10%) regardless of skill level
  • >Anchor is disabled while Reek is ethereal although it is a conjuration (High Tide works however) It's a hybrid physical/conj
  • if an enemy hero dies next to an outpost, the outpost fountain effect sometimes stays inactive until he revives
  • >Streak cannot stun units that are obscured by the fog of war at the start of the movement effect
  • >Entangling Seed can be cast on flying heroes but doesn't root them (it still damages them and roots units around them, the talent also works)
Tooltip errors:
  • #@Reek hero selection tooltip still shows the description for the old version of Brainlust
  • #@-s doesn't show values for Rotting Grove
  • #@-s for Maelstrom doesn't display damage to buildings
  • #@Take Charge has no skill type classification
  • $Place Banner is labeled as a conjuration on the skill tooltip but Military Regalia is labeled as physical on the skill selection tooltip; does that mean that the passive effect is physical and the banner is a conjuration? Yes
AI observations:
  • ?AI Aeromancess doesn't use Tempest or Maelstrom
    edit: she does use Tempest. I have no idea why she didn't use it yesterday
  • AI Scarab fires Healing Wave into enemies (but I think he can use it for healing allies as well) Needs a different base spell
  • $AI doesn't play Nephalem or Dread Shaman See watermelon's explaination
Other things:
  • I think there's still no chat command for i mode
  • $what purpose do the units in the lower left corner of Kedge's Landing have? the longer a game lasts, the more units are stacked there, they might even cause crashes
I'll continue the tests tomorrow and post what I find.

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Re: EotA: Twilight 1.14g3 Download

#12 Post by Scheba »

It's time for the second round :D !

  • >when the Dread Shaman's attack crits, it doesn't bounce; that way, critical hits end up decreasing his overall attack damage potential (in exchange for higher single-target damage) Annoying built into wc3 behavior
  • >the Dread Shaman's attack still doesn't work with orb of fury unless he crits Same as above
  • @the Crest Witch can't attack ethereal units (that's a bug right? because her skills are mainly magical, some are even evocations)
  • @the Dwarven Blackguard's Shadowclap doesn't seem to create desecrated corpses when combined with Malignant Heart although the tooltip doesn't mention that the kills have to be made with attacks
  • >Empower applies two buffs: the short AoE buff is activated first, the longer self-buff to attack damage is applied after a significant delay so it's easy to accidentally cancel the cast in between
  • @Terra Smash can still be used while ethereal (it even still deals damage)
Tooltip errors:
  • @-s doesn't show self damage buff for Empower
  • @-s doesn't show duration for Geomancy: Sunburn
  • @spawn tower tooltips for Grim Brigade: Abomination displays 0 health and 0 armor
  • >Candleburg: the Barracks tooltips don't display any stats of the available units, unlike the construction tooltips for spawn towers
  • @Eat Tree has no skill type classification
  • @the Glacial Tyrant's Icy Barrier is labeled as conjuration on the skill selection tooltip, but as abjuration (like the other barrier skills) on the skill tooltip
  • @-s doesn't show mana amount for Cacophony
  • @-s for Crimson Squall doesn't show values for Crash (strength and intelligence versions) and Overpower
Other things:
  • @undead defensive towers cost more crystal than elven and creep ones
  • @Fel Horde Burrows cost more gold than the guard towers of the other races
  • >Tempest graphic launches 11 waves, not 10 ( but the last one doesn't seem to deal damage)
  • $Duel has no area targeting cursor; is the radius variable? #1 It's a unit target #2 its centered halfway between the two of you, so doesn't really fit a targeting cursor
  • $I'm not sure whether units that were turned into twisters are supposed to turn back if the twister is killed; that seems to be the skill's current behaviour, but the tooltip doesn't say anything about it (unlike with Murloc Rampage) It's basically units doing their own version of bladestorm, dodging normal attacks but interrupted when hit with something else
AI testing tends to take quite a while, so I have no further findings today.

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Re: EotA: Twilight 1.14g3 Download

#13 Post by watermelon »

Yak doesn't really care about buff overwriting since that's mostly WC3's fault. There are some notable buffs that become pretty nasty when overwritten though, not sure if Yak cares about that.
Entangling Seed can be cast on flying heroes but doesn't root them (it still damages them and roots units around them, the talent also works)
I think it's intentional, but root can't affect flying units in WC3.
AI doesn't play Nephalem or Dread Shaman
Both heroes are on the AI banlist. Neph is played horribly and mainly doesn't do anything while DS can't use totems which means he's mostly a sitting duck when the AI uses him.
edit: she does use Tempest. I have no idea why she didn't use it yesterday
It's pretty rare, probably due to how Yak configured the AI to cast based on number of units.
I'm not sure whether units that were turned into twisters are supposed to turn back if the twister is killed
Intended effect. Twister would suck a lot if it didn't revert the units back though maybe that could result in it being used as a large creep denying strategy.

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Re: EotA: Twilight 1.14g3 Download

#14 Post by watermelon »

-s for talents:
@Bane's trample damage
@Defiler's mana restore blight

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Re: EotA: Twilight 1.14g3 Download

#15 Post by DarnYak »

Key for above posts:
@ = addressed (hopefully)
? = Added debug code or otherwise unsure if I fixed it
> = Not planning to address ever (too much hassle and minimal impact) - maybe make a wiki page or something to list outstanding bugs
$ = Not a bug
No prefix = Haven't gotten to it yet

And bold comments for anything I feel needed further explaination.
what purpose do the units in the lower left corner of Kedge's Landing have? the longer a game lasts, the more units are stacked there, they might even cause crashes
That's the unit recycling area. When units are about to fully decay they get teleported there and revived, then reused as new waves spawn. Spawning brand new units every wave tends to cause noticeable lag (less now then originally, but its still there), and reusing units saves memory in the long run. There used to be (and might still be idk) a few spell effects that accidently carried over from one life to another, so this is also the source of any "spawn has effect of spell that was never cast on it" (usualy health/damage buffs and the like).


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Re: EotA: Twilight 1.14g3 Download

#16 Post by Executor »

One of the main problems I encounter while playing a game with all AI is experiencing too much lag when the enemy team only has their main base remaining. I guess it is because the AIs' heroes are stuck from being surrounded by units. This usually leads to running out of memory. Maybe I just need a better computer.

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Re: EotA: Twilight 1.14g3 Download

#17 Post by DarnYak »

Maybe I just need a better computer.
There is some inevitable lag just from having that many units in one place, but a better comp won't fix the memory issues. WC3 has its own internal memory limit for map scripts that forcibly crashes it when it gets reached - and its in no way tied to system memory (unless maybe you only have 512mb of ram or less)

I did actually find one memory leak with the ai over the weekend, but I don't think its directly related to end game unit buildup.


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Re: EotA: Twilight 1.14g3 Download

#18 Post by Executor »

Thanks for the info. I was able to reduce lag by using command towers to limit the amount of units in one area.

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Re: EotA: Twilight 1.14g3 Download

#19 Post by watermelon »

That's a rather funny way of using command towers. =P

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Re: EotA: Twilight 1.14g3 Download

#20 Post by Scheba »

The lists continue! :D
  • @Tempest shoots 11 waves insteads of 10; all 11 deal damage (see replay)
  • >the Icespinner's clones don't copy the graphical moontear effect (it is displayed in their inventory though)
  • %@after using Mastery of War - Retaliate, the skill switches to Swipe before Retaliate has fully recharged
  • @after using Mastery of Shadow - Shadowveil, the skill switches to Evasion before Shadowveil has fully recharged
Tooltip errors:
  • @information about commands in the quest log:
    • -t is no longer the short command for damaged towers, it's -d now
    • -s is short for spells
    • -h is for barrier health
    • -t is for temper
    • -spawnrate argument is a percentage, not a value in seconds
  • @Phase has no skill type classification
  • @Storm of Malice skill selection tooltip doesn't mention its skill type (evocation)
  • @False Alliance has no skill type classification
  • @-s doesn't display values for Take Charge
  • #@-s doesn't display values for Plunder
  • #@-s doesn't display values for Life Tap
  • @Scintillate is labelled as an "enchant" instead of enchantment
  • @Purge Malice skill selection tooltip calls it Malice Purge (which one is right?)
  • @Ion Surge skill selection tooltip doesn't mention that it's a deathblow
Other things:
  • >there are two different skills named Sentinel, one for the Arboreal Crusader and one for the Ascendant
  • ?Mastery of War - Plunder must target a hero (unusual for nephalem, many skills can be "wasted" for skill cycling)
  • $when the "creeper" on Candleburg dies, it can deal damage to a nearby hero, is this an intentional trap for low level heroes?
A list of talents linked to attributes:
  • @Charge - Trample
  • @Blight - Seeping Taint
  • @Flashfire - Burning Blades
  • @Mortal Strike - Devastating Strike
  • @Zen Archery - Zen Force
  • @Gale - Supercell
  • @Cure Wounds - Propitiate
  • >Life Wave - Overwhelming Radiance Depends on remaining healing power
  • >Ion Surge - Ion Killer
Some unclear mechanics:
  • @Ion Surge - Ion Killer: does the target lose less mana if it takes decreased magic damage, or does the mana loss only depend on the attacker? Damage taken, changed tooltip
  • Pestilence - Corpse Trap: does killing a target that takes decreased magic damage create a weaker trap (or killing an ethereal unit create a stronger one)? does overkill damage influence the damage of a trap? Damage dealt - mitigation/overkill/etc doesn't matter
  • Vile Infusion - Vulgar Emissions: does healing effectiveness of the primary target influence the AoE healing effect? e.g. if the primary target has its healing reduced to 50% by Mortal Strike, do the other nearby targets also receive less healing? No
  • Ki Blitz - Ki Strike: does healing effectiveness of the unit being healed by a Ki orb influence the damage dealt by the corresponding negative Ki orb? does overheal of the healing Ki orb influence the damage of the corresponding negative Ki orb? No, no
  • Life Wave - Overwhelming Radiance: is the remaining healing energy that is converted into damage split up among all enemies in range of the detonation, or do they all take this damage? No split
  • Cure Wounds - Propitiate: does healing effectiveness of the primary target influence the healing to self? does distance to the primary target influence the healing to self? does overheal to the primary target influence the healing to self? No, no, no
  • Heart of the Mountain - Rockskin: I don't know what this actually does, is it a kind of damage-absorbing barrier skill for units? It's a murloc-like transform
  • does Zen Archery work both against ethereal and against spell immune units? I'm unsure because of the skill type: Zen Shot is an Enchantment and thus doesn't work on spell immune targets, the passive Zen Archery is probably physical and does, but High Oracle is a caster hero and thus can attack ethereal units, so now it gets confusing :? Yes, its just a weapon damage buff, don't overthink it
Coming soon (maybe): a list of all conjuration skills for skill type cleanup or for introducing a conjuration-modifying effect if Yak feels like it
11 tempest waves.w3g
(8.71 KiB) Downloaded 523 times

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Re: EotA: Twilight 1.14g3 Download

#21 Post by Scheba »

I came across some more things while compiling the biggest list yet.

  • after the end of a game, mini gargoyles can lift and drop the same target repeatedly without having to land in between; this can get a few hero kills, but as the game is over anyway, it doesn't really matter (unless it's your own hero being killed, then it's really annoying :evil: )
  • the cleave effect of Surge (Strength version) can proc the Stormcrown's effect (and probably the other helmet effects as well), but cannot proc Orb of Fury shockwaves
  • the cleave effect of Surge (Strength version) doesn't receive the damage bonus from critical hits (cleave and critical hits are built-in Warcraft 3 mechanics, so I guess the problem is that they can't be made to work together?)
  • siege, devastation and execution generators can be made to attack an allied target (they stop attacking immediately, but one shot is fired before that happens, probably because the building model has no attack animation so the first projectile comes out before the attack can be interrupted by the grief-prevention trigger)
  • sometimes, especially if a game already lasts a long time or the spawnrate is increased, spawned army units will be assigned to another player (on the same team) instead of red or blue:
    • they will still follow the standard army unit behaviour
    • if they are assigned to a human player, it is possible to give orders to them, which probably breaks their scripted behaviour
    • if they are assigned to an empty player slot, killing them gives no bounty (I'm not sure whether they give experience)
Tooltip errors:
  • -s doesn't display values for raise
  • -s still assumes that blade rain's bleed effect lasts 9 seconds (it was shortened to 5)
  • chill sacrifice - brood is another talent with a dependency
  • tavern tooltip for stormweaver still describes her previous, non-playable version
Other things:
  • high level Dominant Blow (Intelligence version) causes lots of graphic lag
And now, as promised, a list of all conjuration skills:
  1. Blazing Priest: Flame of the Devout
  2. Mystic Swashbuckler: Pilfer
  3. Time Cleric: Rapid healing
  4. Time Cleric: Fork
  5. Arcane Archer: Scout
  6. Arcane Archer: Familiar
  7. Arcane Archer: Ethereal Healing
  8. Arcane Archer: Ice Wall
  9. Aeromancess: Mana Storm
  10. Aeromancess: Maelstrom
  11. Divine Wizard: Open Portal
  12. Divine Wizard: Displacement Field
  13. Tactician: Place Banner
  14. Soul Bender: Mend
  15. Soul Bender: Decoy
  16. Acid Reaver: Acid Sheath
  17. Scarab: Ankh
  18. Scarab: Life Wave
  19. Colossus: Boulder Storm
  20. Elder Treant: Grasping Tree
  21. Elder Treant: Taunting Treant
  22. Elder Treant: Grove of Eternity
  23. Arboreal Crusader: Sentinel
  24. Arboreal Crusader: Tangleweed
  25. Arboreal Crusader: Cure Wounds
  26. Arboreal Crusader: Geomancy - Sandstorm
  27. Arboreal Crusader: Force of Nature
  28. Dread Shaman: Mass Regeneration
  29. Dread Shaman: Voodoo Doll
  30. Dread Shaman: Totemic Mastery
  31. Master of the Hunt: Dream Run
  32. Icespinner: Glaciate
  33. Crest Witch: Coral Sanctum
  34. Sorrow Liege: Shadow Bastion (actually a "conuration")
  35. Behemoth: High Tide
  36. Behemoth: Anchor
  37. Forlorn Martyr: Stormspire
  38. Defiler: Vile Infusion
  39. Defiler: Flesh Eating Cloud
  40. Incarnation: Dark Altar
  41. High Oracle: Ki Blitz
  42. High Oracle: Geyser
  43. Putrid Eidolon: Infestation
  44. Putrid Eidolon: Entangling Seed
  45. Putrid Eidolon: Spore Cloud
  46. Putrid Eidolon: Rotting Grove
  47. Ascendant: Sentinel
  48. Nephilim: Mastery of Fire- Conflagrate
  49. Nephilim: Mastery of Blood - Close Wounds
  50. Nephilim: Mastery of Power - Immortal's Breath
  51. Glacial Tyrant: Icy Barrier (maybe? probably abjuration is the correct skill type)
  52. Wretched Chef: Horrifying Stew
  53. Wretched Chef: Feast
  54. Wretched Chef: Potluck
  55. Fire Knight: Mindburst
  56. Stormweaver: Healing Rain
Items that summon something:
  1. Crystal Staff (timed life)
  2. Stormhammer (timed life)
  3. Black Dragon's Heart (timed life)
  4. Enchanted Shell (no time limit)
  5. Serpent Wards (no time limit)
  6. Wretched Skull (no time limit)
  7. Bottle of Ooze (no time limit)
Observation: Phoenix Touch, Raise and Mind Fog create summoned units with a timed life but are not conjurations

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