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EotA Tales - Clash of Souls

Posted: April 14th, 2011, 12:24 am
by Setokaiva
A lone patrol stalked through the forest, watchful for any signs of the enemy. There had been a tremendous clash over the discovery of the ruins under Stormwail Peak, and the looming apocalypse. Each race had mustered their forces and now converged upon the spot, throwing aside any caught in their path. The Elven army marched with haste across the landscape, seeking to reach the peak first and deny their enemies salvation. Skirmishes erupted almost daily, keeping nerves strung and tensions high. Patrols were sent out routinely to scour the land for any signs of life, be it man or beast.

An Elf in ornate armor surveyed his surroundings. It was quiet and unassuming. Dark clouds hung over the woods, but there was hardly any wind echoing through the trees. Life seemed to be scarce here, as if the forest creatures had sensed the impending devastation and fled early. He sighed. "Come the spring, this place must surely flourish, for it will have the blood of thousands to drink..." Shaking his head sadly, he kept vigil. Wielding a massive tower shield and carriyng a large glaive almost as big as he, he looked for all the world like some King's personal honor guard. "They must truly be desperate to send men in full armor out on patrol." He mumbled. Another Elf came running up to him, this one in simple burnished steel plate, bearing a longsword and shield. Another simple soldier, he noted. Swept up in this chaos. "Nothing so far, milord." he began. "This place is dead. Almost no signs of life whatsoever, just a few dead corpses littered around, probably casualties in some bloody skirmish..." he caught his breath and sat down. The ornately armored Elf gave a thin smile, pulled a piece of jerked beef out of the folds of his cloak and handed it to him. "We'll see life in this forest soon enough, no doubt. Just about every living creature in the world is either running to one spot or getting out of the way. This place used to be crawling with life, but no doubt it'll grow hearty once again when the blood starts to spill." He sighed. That was the way of things, the dead returning to the earth to feed the young and new, completing the circle of life. He removed another strip of jerky from his cloak and chewed on it. They sat for a short while in silence, listening to the wind, or lack of it.

A flock of birds flew overhead, in the opposite direction the army was marching, he noted. As he watched, however, he noticed they were flying strangely. As if wounded, they dipped and bobbed around in midair, a chaos of fluttering wings and desperate birdcalls where there should have been order. He sensed something was wrong; It felt like they were being weakened, drained, or--
One of the birds suddenly dropped from the sky and fell among the trees. Their ears tuned to silence, they rose immediately to the noise, gripping weapons and scanning the woods. More birds dropped, wings flapping uselessly, to the forest floor. One fell to his feet, and he picked it up and examined it. Something was definitely wrong here. Had the bird just grown tired of flying and fallen involuntarily, or... could it be... Concentrating, he searched for any sign of life, a sign that this was in fact natural, but...

Soul Drain.

He barely had time to flinch as the ground exploded under his feet, ghastly skeletal hands reaching out and grappling his legs, but they did not try to drag him under. He struggled uselessly, but he didn't have room to hit these things. His partner tried feebly to pry them away, fearful of using his sword in this situation. A hollow laugh resounded, not too far away at all. They looked up at the source; A skeletal creature with a flowing black robe and crown encrusted with jewels of all colors stood, watching the struggle with interest. The trapped Elf felt a chill run down his spine; He knew what it was. A Lich. Death Elemental.

Roaring a battle cry, his partner seized his longsword and charged the fiend. "NO! RUN!!" He yelled, but he was clearly intent on saving him. The Lich extended a bony hand at the charging soldier and commanded; "Die." The elf stiffened suddenly, head cocked as if straining to hear some distant sound, then fell lifeless to the ground. The helpless Elf watched as his partner's essence was snuffed out, his soul drained by this fiend, and gritted his teeth in anger. The fiend floated over to where he stood, still grasped by the skeletal hands. He attempted to repeat the same spell; Nothing happened. With the faintest hint of a frown on his grim face, he drew closer, until his hand nearly touched his forehead. "Die." he commanded, but still nothing happened. The Elf began to laugh. "Foolish creature." he began, then looked directly into the eyes of the fiend. "I have no soul to take."

The Elf exploded.
The fiend was thrown back several feet to slam against a tree. Where once the Elf stood, now there was simply a blackened spot on the ground. A decoy, he thought. Cunning creature. Pieces of skeletal hand littered the forest floor. He rose, confused, searching for any sign--
Too late.

The Elf was in reach before the Lich could muster any sort of defence. Appearing from nowhere, he stabbed with his glaive. The blade broke a rib bone and lodged in the bark of the tree, pinning the Lich to it. He grasped the fiends head in both hands and mustered all his strength. To banish this fiend, he would have to risk everything; His own soul, to destroy this most hated of beings, a taker of souls. He sent forth a barrage of mental attacks against his mind, undeterred by the fiends innumerable souls, seeking to undo his very being. Suddenly realizing what was being done to him, he roared in anger, "NO!" grasping the Elf's neck with one bony hand. "I WILL HAVE YOURS!!" And launched his own attack. Still, he was confused. How was this possible? A being, an Elf, no less, with similar powers over souls to his own? He quickly dismissed the thought and returned to the task at hand. Reaching into his mind, he sought his enemies soul; Only to come up against hundreds. This Elf was like him, taking souls to use for his own. And now he used them to shield himself. A contest of wills, both grappled each other, seeking to rip their opponents soul from their body, but the outcome was clear. The Lich was simply too powerful. With his own life in the balance, he vowed he would destroy this creature, or die in the attempt. "NO... YOURS!!" He roared his defiance.

Calling upon a spell of great and terrible power, one that would use the combined might of all his souls to exterminate the fiend, he barked the command words. A furious explosion erupted between the two, forcing them apart. The Lich cannoned back into the tree, but thanks to so many layered magical enchantments, he did not shatter upon impact. Still, the pain was intense. The Elf fared worse. Sent flying back several meters over the turf, he slammed into solid oak. Pain both physical and spiritual wracked every fiber of his being, but still he fought to retain conciousness. Calling upon his deepest reserves of power, he quickly healed himself and surveyed the scene. The Lich was moaning in pain, a ghastly sound that seemed to come from hundreds of tortured souls. The Elf struggled to his feet, grimacing in pain with every movement, but he knew he had to keep fighting or die. Slowly he stumbled towards the fiend, determined to end his miserable existence once and for all--
The forest exploded.

A massive bolt of lightning struck the ground between the two fighters, sending the Elf falling to the ground once more. Nearly blinded by the bolt, he strained to see what was happening. A lone figure stood in the spot where the bolt had struck, still as a statue in the huge scorch mark. "Step aside, Elf," said the figure in a dark voice. "I've come to collect some old bones, and I don't wish to be disturbed." Seething in pain, the Lich slowly rose to hover in place above the forest floor, surveying the scene with hollow, unforgiving eyes. The Elf, he knew. The soul-taker who had nearly undone his existence. He would defile, destroy, rend every bit of him to bloody ribbons and scatter his souls to the four winds. The Elf was suddenly grappled again by grisly hands, fastening him to the ground, but this was nowhere near as bad as what happened to the Lich.
Roaring in pain, the Lich combusted into flames.

A faint smile crossed the Human's face as he stepped into the clearing. In as much pain as it was the fiend was blissfully unaware of the curse laid upon him, which even now turned his own magical energies to searing flames to scorch his bones. Clad in flame-colored robes and bearing a massive hammer glistening with arcane runes, the Elf knew instantly who the newcomer was. Bhekar Ro, a human priest who had joined up with the Elves on their way to the peak. He had already proven himself worthy in several skirmishes with Undead and Creep stragglers, earning him an uneasy but strong trust with the Battalion as one of their best lieutenants.

The mysterious figure stood stock still, watching the human with no show of emotion on his face. He went bare from the waist up, his body covered in arcane symbols and runes. Two massive crescent-shaped blades were attached to his arms, and a cloth was worn over his eyes; strangely enough, though, he didn't seem to be blind. "Do you want to continue this fight here, warrior?" the human said. "If you've come for the Lich, you'd best leave now. I doubt it can take much more abuse."

After a minute, the figure nodded shortly, walked over to the moaning Lich and laid one arm atop it's head. "Very well. There will come another time." a brilliant flash dazed the remaining on the field, and the mysterious warrior flew off on a bolt of lightning with the Lich in tow, jumping from tree to tree, leaving black scorch marks throughout the forest. A few seconds later, and they were gone.

Bhekar Ro flipped his hammer back to his shoulder, and walked over to the injured elf. "Are you all right, Requiem?" he asked. The elf stared, disbelieving, at the spot where the figure had stood a moment before, and whispered under his breath.


Re: EotA Tales - Clash of Souls

Posted: April 16th, 2011, 2:59 pm
by Tehw00tz
That shit was longer than the Lord of the Rings movies.

Re: EotA Tales - Clash of Souls

Posted: April 18th, 2011, 3:43 am
by Dekar
I wouldnt mind reading more. :D

Re: EotA Tales - Clash of Souls

Posted: April 18th, 2011, 8:37 am
by DarnYak
What's sad is its been so long I forgot who was named Ardin.


Re: EotA Tales - Clash of Souls

Posted: April 18th, 2011, 9:53 am
by jamn455
They have names?

Re: EotA Tales - Clash of Souls

Posted: April 18th, 2011, 11:42 am
by Kalrithus
Ardin = Forlorn Martyr iirc

Re: EotA Tales - Clash of Souls

Posted: April 18th, 2011, 7:52 pm
by Tehw00tz
I knew a black guy from highschool named Ardin, dude had legit blonde hair. idk how he did it, fucking blonde hair on a black guy.
What were we talking about again?

Re: EotA Tales - Clash of Souls

Posted: April 24th, 2011, 3:47 am
by Luftwaffles
Asian American stars' struggles to enter into the mainstream movie market.

for freedom